Rank Tarantino's films...
For me: Pulp Fiction>Django>Inglorious Basterds>The Hateful Eight>Reservoir Dogs> Kill Bill Vol 1> Kill Bill Vol 2> Jackie Brown...
shareFor me: Pulp Fiction>Django>Inglorious Basterds>The Hateful Eight>Reservoir Dogs> Kill Bill Vol 1> Kill Bill Vol 2> Jackie Brown...
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On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again.
Jackie Brown
The rest are all tied for fourth depending on the day.
Probably Death Proof slightly lower than the rest.
1. "Inglourious Basterds"
2. "Pulp Fiction"
3. "Kill Bill"
4. "The Hateful Eight"
5. "Death Proof"
6. "Jackie Brown"
7. "Django Unchained"
8. "Reservoir Dogs"
Jackie Brown
Inglorious Basterds = Hageful Eight
Kill Bill
Death Proof
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Django Unchained
1) Pulp Fiction
2) Inglorious Basterds
3) Django Unchained
4) Kill Bills
5) Jackie Brown
6) Reservoir Dogs
7) Hateful Eight
8) Death Proof
Gosh, do I have to be the only one to say Kill Bill, don't try to separate them, and the rest were practice?
shareGosh, do I have to be the only one to say Kill Bill, don't try to separate them, and the rest were practice?
And then anything after Kill Bill has to = the artist's best work, somehow some way so it gets a pass. If you want to say Pulp Fiction, I could agree with that. Jackie Brown, his best? I don't see that being rational in any way. Emotionally, sure. It's number Won, for you.
Doe it matter? Only to you. I'm taking a break from The Hateful Ate which so far seems a bit sinister. Chapter 4.
1) Pulp Fiction
2) Kill Bill
3) Resevoir Dogs
4) Inglorious Basterds
5) Jackie Brown
6) Django Unchained
7) (tie) Hateful 8 and Deathproof 7/10 each