About The Beating, And Misogyny
This movie takes place in the wild-west a completely different time from our own where criminals no matter what gender were treated like possessions and meal tickets and a meal ticket is only good when its behaving itself as ruth said "The job isn't supposed to be easy" so yeah he beat her but its no different to any corrections officer punishing a prisoner its called corrections
I personally loved the movie the tension the drama and the quirks and backstory if anything i think the pacing was almost perfect but could have been handled a little better, i've always loved movies and im very passionate with how i feel about them i apologize if this gives my thoughts on the film an unfair bias.
i would like to hear what you though about my insight and i would love to be corrected in the parts im failing ie maybe the pacing isn't an issue but with all forms of entertainment what one fans crappy movie is is an others pleasure we all have different tastes.