Ruth and Warren, and eventually Mannix.
I guess we can say that Ruth was abusive, but I had the impression that it was no easy task to capture Demague, considering the three dead bodies stored on the coach. Otherwise, at least according to the film, he was unique as a bounty hunter in that he always preferred to bring in his bounties alive.
Warren also wasn't that bad, and I assume that his rape of the general's son was a complete fabrication given the way he was recounting the story. It's also worth noting that the general had more guilt than just being a racist, since he had executed black POWs during the war, which is why Warren wanted to kill him.
Other than the stage coach driver and the people murdered at Minnie's earlier that day, Mannix was probably the least malevolent of the main characters. People are more sensitive about racism than at any point of human history, and perhaps even overly sensitive if we want to lump him in with murderers (especially since just about every other character seemed to be racist to some extent).
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