MovieChat Forums > The Hateful Eight (2015) Discussion > This film is so bad I actually had to...

This film is so bad I actually had to... stop after the 19th minute, just after Jackson punches the woman and they fall in the snow. Here's why:

First, I can't stand watching Tarantino wa nking over himself with things like 'the eight film by Quentin Tarantino' or 'Chapter One'. Who the hell does he think he is? He's so obsessed with certain genres of film that he is nothing but cliches now, and his films are just one cliche after another.

For example, I have discovered via the opening scenes to the Hateful 8 that I can completely predict what he's going to do next. We have the murderous, foul mouthed woman, we have the not-too-happy-to-share-his-coach bounty hunter who elbows her in the face whenever she opens her mouth, we have Jackson with his prize possession letter, and we have this unbelievably obvious setup where Russell asks if he can see it. Before he even took it out of his pocket I knew she was going to either spit on it or snort blood on it, and that Jackson would respond with a knee-jerk reaction of outrage (although I hoped I would be wrong). I wasn't wrong, and that's when I had to ask my friend to press stop (he'd already seen it so it didn't matter to him).

How can I possibly enjoy a film that is so predictable and full of cliches that I know what's going to happen from one scene to next? The answer is I can't, and Tarantino sucks.

And what a great shame it is too, because I regard Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction to be two of the all time greats in film making. Whatever happened to the man who made those?


his bloated ego is palpable every second of the movie. his schtick isn't impressing anyone anymore. QT has always been a 1 trick pony and now that's getting really obvious and annoying.


You didn't miss much, it is a very meh film and it is overly long for no reason. I am surprised it is rated this high but whatever.


Quentin's reaction to this as well as his fans is just as predictable I'm afraid: fúck you!

In all honesty, why the holy flippin' hell do you even watch a Tarantino movie if you don't like his work? After seeing TWO movies of his, I know his style and that he never changes it. You like it or you hate it. I happen to like it and enjoyed myself watching this film.


An understandable question. The answer is, because my friends keep trying to make me watch them. They know that after Pulp Fiction my opinion of everything else he has done has dropped very, very quickly, but they keep saying "no, no, this one's good, he's back in form".

Well no, he isn't, and I will keep insisting with my friends that they don't play me any more of his films, cos I clearly can't trust their judgement on the matter.


This is a very good film, even by QT's standards, in my opinion it's a tad underrated..


Why is it so good to you? The story?


Hateful eight was sort of predictable, besides the basement that was out of nowhere and great

Bu to say Tarantino you can predict from 20 minutes is *beep* No one can predict Basterds or Django or pretty much any of his movies going the routes they do. That's why they're so great. You THINK you got it 'oh just Americans hunting down Nazis and scalping them.' then it takes like 5 turns and you get 2 stories interjecting with each other it's awesome


You fond this movie predictable. Okay, now let me ask you what do you seek in a movie? I seek perfection, and Tarantino is near perfection in his career.

His near perfection because he respects what was made before him and adapts to the times we live in.

He "steal" the chapters thing, the rusty fonts to the credits, always a great entry music and a accordingly landscape. He focus on the details like almost any other director.

What is Tarantino for you? Unpredictable... the gun just fired? That's silly.

For me Tarantino is a masterpiece of the cinematographic industry.


We'll probably have to agree to disagree.

No film is perfect, not even those that I consider to be the top 5 greatest films of all time. I like intelligent films, I buy my favourites on DVD and now Bluray, and I have a collection over 1,300 ranging from the 1920s to current day.

Tarantino's early work with RD and PF were great stories full of rich characters. As I watch those films I feel like the director really has something to say, something original both in story and presentation, and each frame of film draws me along transfixed until the closing credits.

That feeling has since evaporated from all of his subsequent work, and I have found myself watching a distinctly self-conscious director who loves to make movies but no longer has anything brilliant to say. As a result, T has relied completely on big name actors, classic actors from the past, violence, cliches, and he cheapens his films more and more each time he digs into the past in his search for style when he used to create it himself.

With RD and PF he had the big name actors and the classic actors from the past, but he also had original style and presentation, and something big to say. I want that version of T back again.


Tarantino's early work with RD and PF were great stories full of rich characters. As I watch those films I feel like the director really has something to say...I have found myself watching a distinctly self-conscious director who loves to make movies but no longer has anything brilliant to say...With RD and PF he had the big name actors and the classic actors from the past, but he also had original style and presentation, and something big to say. I want that version of T back again..
So, since you mention it so frequently and it pays such a big part in your appreciation of his first two films, just WHAT exactly was the "something big/brilliant to say" respectively of both films? 

Peace! 

On November 6, 2012 god blessed America...again. 


If you have to ask that question, and if you can't tell the difference between something that is inspired or something that is contrived, then there's not much point in the discussion.


If you have to ask that question, and if you can't tell the difference between something that is inspired or something that is contrived, then there's not much point in the discussion.

Perfect answer.


Just as perfecto as tu ingles

my vote history:


And yet you still line his pockets with your money


Wrong. My friend played me the movie at his house. I paid nothing.


So now you're a liar? Read your first paragraph, you did all that in the first paragraph at your friend's house and he didn't say a damn thing to you? You got a free movie and you come here and bitch ? I bet you didn't bitch at him about the movie at his house when he bought it did you ? God bless America. No wonder the country is falling apart. Idiots !!!


Interesting. You have managed to jump to a half dozen incorrect conclusions in the one post...impressive, actually.

I have told my friend several times not to bother showing me any more Tarantino, so he'd had ample warning over a several year period. And it was no problem, we just watched something else instead.

And I don't recall IMDB stating on their home page that members can only comment on movies they've paid for. And besides, I have over 1,300 DVDs and Blurays I've paid for, plus about 2,100 music cds that I've also paid for. I buy everything that I think is worthwhile, and as a result over the last 35 years I've spent more money on film and music than anyone else I know, and I strongly believe in supporting artists and creators. I therefore reserve the right to bitch about anything I please.

Oh yeah, and I'm not American, and I didn't lie. Clearly, you're the idiot here.


Why do Tarantino movie scare you?


They don't scare me. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction were awesome, everything else has been boring and increasingly my opinion.
