Does anyone know how they simulated Daisy's knocked out teeth? Was it a basic digital effect?
shareDoes anyone know how they simulated Daisy's knocked out teeth? Was it a basic digital effect?
shareIf you every get a chance watch the version to Texas chainsaw massacre with R Lee Emery, they did an excellent job with what i believe was computer generated job with showing him without teeth. Now that is one possibility.
The other possibility is what happened with Jim Carey. Carey had his teeth caped to make his smile perfect. When he made the dumber movie he had the good looking capped tooth replaced by a capped tooth with a chip in it.
The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
When he made the dumber movie he had the good looking capped tooth replaced by a capped tooth with a chip in it.
I thought that was a good effect too. I think it was digital. Like removing that Major Dan's legs in Forrest Gump.