Come on already!

Somebody find something in the hole! I'm thinking a producer will soon intervene and toss a trinket or two down the shaft to keep viewers tuned in. My wife shakes her head every time I watch and I say that this could be the episode they find it! Yeah, right.


That's the hook. It's like drugs, or gambling . . . or gambling on drugs. You just can't stay away. 

Looking at the world, through amber colored glasses. 


Like a train wreck - you know it's bad (in this case really bad), but you have to watch anyway (just so you can get a laugh on these boards). 

Soldiers who survived pepper spray and mustard gas are now seasoned veterans


How is it possible that it gets worse every week?
Seriously considering going cold turkey.
"Oh we don't have a lot of time to make this decision where to dig. Let's sleep on it."
REALLY? 4 years and you don't even know where you want to dig?
Our dream is to spend 50 years here and become drooling, doddering old fools mumbling about treasure. Ya, that's Oak Island for ya. Wanna buy a T-shirt?


Yes, just quit cold turkey. That's what I did. I've been tempted to 'check in' on them a few times, but I just remind myself that I'll only be helping them with their ratings, therefore money (not necessarily the brothers, but the producer, narrator, etc) and I refuse to be taken advantage of like that!
It's really not that hard, once you stop. We KNOW they won't find anything. We KNOW there's nothing there (the original pit was already excavated down to bedrock before).
So I know I'm not missing anything of importance -at most, some fabricated "for entertainment/production purposes only" artifact which is nothing more than a prop.


Could it be??? Hundreds of years old??? Knights of the Templar??? William Shakespeare??? Black wood??? Bones??? That narrator has to cringe every time he gets handed a new script to record at this point.
