please be the end

Given the quality of these movies, seems natural to want more, but this just ended the series so perfectly. If they do more (which they of course eventually will), I hope they can keep the tone, but either do a different continuity, or have it be further down the line, with different characters and stories who mention these as a past event or something.


I loved it and I want more. Ceaser's son Cornelius is alive and I believe there are so many humans being alive. I definitely predict a sequel or anything related to the apes, because it is so awesome :)


I concur. I do believe this third installment was the perfect ending to the series, but knowing how franchises work, I do expect them to continue with the series. Whether it’s a few years from now or even a decade, there will be more of these movies. I won’t mind as long as they keep the quality up.


Not sure if i'd want more since as you said this one ended so perfectly, and more than likely Matt Reeves may not be involved, but yeah if they can keep the quality up then I also agree the series has some fantastic places still to go.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance.


Did this latest film make a profit? If so, then they'll be another Apes movie. If it didn't, then there won't be one.

That's the bottom line for how Hollywood operates.


It made what the first one made. The second one made a bananas extra 300 mill than that. That's a pretty standard bell curve of interest and diminishing returns. It would be foolish to make a 4th any time soon.


It would be foolish to make a 4th any time soon.

Not if they lower the budget. It would most likely result in a weaker film, effects-wise for sure, but possibly story-wise, also, but that's the SOP for how most series that drag out too long finish. "Keep wringing the rag until every last drop has been squeezed out." Case in point, look at the original Apes the final film (Battle), it looked like the production budget was about 1/10th of the original's. And Fox still thought the concept had enough rubber on the tires to keep it going as a TV series.


I couldn't believe how much money the original movie made. 32 mill back in 1968. It was a top ten hit. No wonder they made a ton of sequels.


I have seen all of these movies. They are not very enjoyable to watch. The plots are kind of pointless. I still like the original Planet Of The Apes with Charlton Heston. Despite the corny makeup and effects, the story had a point, and made it very well. Today we have movies with no heart, and we have a lot of people with no heart. Movies need to be inspiring and uplifting.


Well....if you don't like the movies but still went to see them...aren't you part of the problem?


So, you think I paid to see them? Even if I did, what problem would that have caused. Come on, do you just type to hear yourself clicking so you know you are alive? If you're gonna be a keyboard warrior, at least make a comment that might have some relevancy, eh?
