Immature garbage
Just watched this because I was looking for a movie to throw on and it was on Netflix.
The whole thing just reeked of being written by an angry teenager who was going through an "against the man" phase. It was full of immature and quite predictable ramblings from the anti-hero.
This was further pushed down our throats by the character of the producer, who was incredibly poorly acted and surprise surprise, was played by the director I believe. So we are to believe that during a situation like this, the producer is just hanging out in his office talking on the phone? And what was with the whole part where he's giddy talking about making money from this and selling the rights? We get it, the point of the film is to go against people ruled by money like that, but that was soooo over the top it just made the movie stupid. It was all black or white, there was no grey area which just made it seem cartoonish instead of semi-realistic.
Also, did we need the whole Chip dropping and breaking the DVD? Again, absolutely stupid and made this movie seem more like a comedy. The ONLY purpose that served was to draw the movie out another 5 minutes. Just like several scenes. It seems like the director had a little hour long movie written out and had to fluff it up with cruddy filler to get it up to feature length.
Overall, just a mess of a film, and I have no idea how the rating is a 6.4. Seems like a 4.6 at best to me.