MovieChat Forums > Cake (2015) Discussion > She's in Pain...we get it!

She's in Pain...we get it!

we really do! now please move on with the plot and stop showing us for a second on how MUCH pain she's in.....and is it really possible to in such amount of pain ALL the time during the day when you take all those pills?? I mean the pills are there for a make u feel good and kill your pain!


and is it really possible to in such amount of pain ALL the time during the day when you take all those pills?? I mean the pills are there for a make u feel good and kill your pain!

I haven't seen the film yet, but speaking from years of experience, yes, it is absolutely, completely possible to be in pain even when you're on an arsenal of painkillers. Every treatment should be considered to be a trial, though; if you're really not getting any benefits -- or very, very few -- you shouldn't continue down that path of treatment. With narcotics especially it's very tricky, because your tolerance is almost guaranteed to increase, and they can actually make your pain worse (opioid-induced hyperalgesia). Even if pills do happen to work for an individual, there's no guarantee they will get rid of the pain entirely.

Chronic pain is a hell of a lot more complicated than you think. Doctors still don't know much about it.



I bet she cries the whole movie. Thats an award nomination at least.



No... You don't get it. If you did, you wouldn't dismiss her pain or make the comment you did about the pills. I'm a chronic pain sufferer, and I can tell you from experience that the pills do not make you feel good and they don't kill the pain. Sometimes they numb the pain mildly, but the pain is never truly gone.


No... You don't get it. If you did, you wouldn't dismiss her pain or make the comment you did about the pills. I'm a chronic pain sufferer, and I can tell you from experience that the pills do not make you feel good and they don't kill the pain. Sometimes they numb the pain mildly, but the pain is never truly gone.

The OP is a troll trying to stir up trouble. Just ignore.


I know. This looks pretty bad. Surprised it's getting a nationwide release but my AMC theater and one of the Regal theaters near me is getting it. The reviews are bad as well.


A BIG misconception about pain pills is that chronic pain sufferers get high and feel good from them. We do not! Sometimes they take the pain away (temporarily) and sometimes they don't. OP, think of how much you were frustrated with her constant pain...and imagine having that frustration for YEARS or maybe even the REST OF YOUR LIFE! That feeling is only a small part of the hell people with chronic pain go through.


I wish I could like your post a million times. As someone who has suffered from several debilitating painful diseases and conditions for the last 16 years and will never be cured, I know exactly how you feel. My life as I knew it as an energetic young dancer - is over. Some people will never understand or even try to understand. It is best to spend our limited energy elsewhere on the people who actually care and might even be open to learning a thing or two. I wish you all the best and as many pain free moments as possible. Always be your own advocate and demand the best treatment for yourself. We deserve it. :)


Thank you, EviesHex! And I agree 100% with your comment too. Take care and always be gentle with yourself :)


I haven't got time 4 da pain...I guess Carly simon wuznt a chronic pain sufferer, eh?


I agree, the movie went nowhere because of it too. The whole thing comes off like someone trying to justify why they take so many pills and don't do anything with their life. I feel like the writer, or someone else close to production, went through something physically traumatic and never got off the painkillers and tried to rationalize it by writing this so 'everyone can know how hard it is for me.'

Half the movie is footage of Aniston laying down in the front seat of a car. It's not interesting, it's not revolutionary, it's not symbolic; it's just boring and pointless. Plenty of people in pain out in the world, I don't need to see a rich yuppie, who can afford what she needs, go through it.

Put it this way: the big ending of the movie is her sitting up in her seat. Think about that for a second...

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


Assuming that wasn't just flame bait...

The movie -is- revolutionary. It's the first attempt to depict a person with chronic pain in anything like a realistic way. It's not -particularly- accurate, but it's a start.

People with chronic pain are kinda where 'gay' was 40 years ago. Millions (literally) of people have pain like that 24/7/365... you see them everywhere but don't notice. We all try to 'pass' because we -don't- want to stick out. And that, in and of itself is exhausting.

It's not a great movie, but given that there hasn't been any movie like it before, like I said, it's a start.


Right, but that alone doesn't make the footage within the movie more interesting or well done. It makes it more relatable to a small percentage of the population, sure, but it doesn't make the movie itself better to me because others can relate to it easier. You just said it; there's plenty that go around trying not to be noticed. Showing me how exhausting it is just to come off as 'normal' would have been a solid plot. That's not what we saw here though, she made sure everyone around her knew she had problems. She went out of her way to be dramatic and pop pills in front of people, it's ham-fisted and easy to write compared to subtlety.

And this is coming from someone whose best friend was in a car accident and has bad back pain, she probably will for her whole life. I still didn't find the movie involving or interesting, it was sappy and came off like an excuse as I said. My friend acts nothing like her, and if she did it would become unbearable in a very short time.

Like most people/critics, I thought the acting was well done but the writing, pacing, directing, etc was fairly mediocre...

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


Like I said, it's a start. But the o/p was being disrespectful. It may not be a great script but the topic is worthy of a little more empathy.


Well that's certainly true, it's a topic that should get some more attention, I agree. The topic isn't what I disliked here though, it was what happened within the movie itself that I found tedious and uninvolving. I feel like a documentary on the subject would have been a better format for it's message.

The topic deserves deeper writing and more realistic characters than what we were given here. Although like I said, the acting was good...

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


agree with this. i did not understand chronic pain sufferers (even close friends of mine) as well before seeing this film. it feels like they are not only whining ALL THE TIME, making their friends do crazy stuff for them ALL THE TIME, but kind of taking it for granted that we will bend over backward for them 24/7 without ever stopping, like we were robots. it is really hard to take. i felt silvana, fully, and that was real too.

yes - some of the people in chronic pain are in such severe pain all the time that you get sick of just watching it - imagine how it is for them who are living it.

absolutely, there is a stigma against these suffering people.


Im in chronic pain and i cant do half the things she did. My life would really show u how it is to try to get by ...i certainly cant sit in a car long enough to get to mexico. Shes ok to have sex...oh please. This movie and Jennifer Aniston sucked


yes...having sex while in pain??? i was like wtf??! why even consider having sex when u know u wont enjoy it in the first place? you could see it in her face!


Well again, I'm going against my IMDB Rule #1... never respond to any post that even -smells- like flame-bait.

Sincere reply...

Actually, that was one of the -most- realistic bits of the movie.

(In fact, I would suggest that there are really -2- movies here... the 1st half is the 'mostly realistic' part and the 2nd half---her 'redemption' is complete bollox... with a chocolate cake on top.)

Most of the people I know with -my- flavour of chronic pain, spend a LOT of time figuring out ways to -distract- from the pain. You have to strategise on how to cope. Distraction is one of the main techniques: try to do something that is powerful enough to get yer mind off it.

It turns out that one -can- have sex even in -severe- pain. The body turns on chemicals that briefly allow one to ignore the pain... I guess because evolution considers procreation more important than -your- well-being... ie. pain is usually to protect -you-. Reproduction is more important than your survival.

Also, one of the first things chronic pain managers will tell you: Beware of an ever-shrinking world. You find yourself unconsciously acting like an 'old person'... you stop even -trying- to do things that might be uncomfortable. When one first notices that one is doing this, it can cause major depression.

So many people react by -forcing- themselves to do 'normal' things... even if they are uncomfortable. One does it to avoid the shrinking world.

The ironic thing is that she probably still enjoys sex. But when one tries to do it, the mechanics of finding a way to do it that isn't even -more- painful can create even -more- frustration and anger and cursing against God. "Damn it! Why can't I have even -this-?"

Dealing with chronic pain is a lot like those 'stages of grieving' you hear about. Or compare it with a guy who loses a leg. Except that when one loses a leg, there's a finality to it. It's also a lot like gambling in Las Vegas... there is always this notion that things might change... tomorrow I might win. So every day that you 'lose' you get more and more angry, frustrated. But you keep trying... and losing.

The day that one realises that one has to give up on something as fundamental as 'sex'? That's a bad day. Lots of people go truly bananas at that point. And every time one permanently admits to giving up something basic (sex, hobbies, driving, walking, whatever) it's like losing another piece of oneself.

And BTW, you -know- you're being an *beep* to people around you. But you can't help yourself. That's the thing... most people are completely aware that they are alienating the people that want to help them. That's the -real- addiction... not the pain meds. You don't want to act 'disabled'. And because you don't have an obvious thing like a missing leg, you're paranoid about people around you. Which is why most chronic pain people always feel so defensive.

The dirty little secret of chronic pain is this: We constantly think you think that we're faking. But if the tables were turned, we'd think you were faking too. :D

The sex scene is great because it shows that she isn't ready to accept that it's simply not worth the effort. It shows (in a very strange way) that she isn't ready to give up. She certainly isn't doing anything constructive to help herself, but she hasn't given up. And that too is -very- realistic. She's still at that stage where she feels cheated by life.

Lots of injured or PTSD army vets self-destruct in a -very- similar way.


she doesn't sit in the car she lays on the seat.


we really do! now please move on with the plot and stop showing us for a second on how MUCH pain she's in.....and is it really possible to in such amount of pain ALL the time during the day when you take all those pills?? I mean the pills are there for a make u feel good and kill your pain!

Considering the plot of the film is pain and the many ways one can experience it both physically and mentally, then yes, they're going to show her character and others in pain. Pain IS the plot. There is nothing to get on with.


I think that the thing about chronic pain is that it's pain that is chronic. So, getting over it isn't really even an option. Amazing that they made a movie about this! A good movie with excellent performances by all of the actors.
