Forever Changed, from this movie.
I pronounce "Towel" differently, now.
....oh, and "Poke", too.
(My favorite film Its PeRfeCt.)
I pronounce "Towel" differently, now.
....oh, and "Poke", too.
(My favorite film Its PeRfeCt.)
I think New Zealanders' pronunciation is cool, much better than Australians. All the "e" are pronounced like "ee"
At the masquerade party, the hostess pronounced a lot of words like that:
welcome -> weelcome
left -> leeft
ten -> teen
pleasure -> pleesure
And then the police came, a bit more "i" sound:
entry -> intry
checking -> chickin
there -> thir
let's -> leets
Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
I think he meant once a day for seven days in a least I hope it wasnt 24/7/7.