Vampires (Vincent Lanoo - Belgium - 2010).
I certainly don’t intend to bash or talk too negatively about “What we do in the Shadows” (because I like it quite a lot), but to all those diehard fans who claim that it’s a super-original, refreshing and inventive horror comedy I would just like to state clear that the exact same idea and concept had already been done before, namely in the sadly unknown but definitely worthwhile Belgian sleeper hit Vampires (2010) (Vincent Lanoo). In that film, which was basically a spoof/homage towards the legendary Belgian cult classic “Man Bites Dog”, a TV crew gets the assignment of following around a family of vampires and shoot a documentary about their lives, habits and routines.
Anyone here, who's also a fan of "What we do in the Shadows" has seen it?
I felt the knife in my hand, and she laughed no more...