Huge Plothole.
Cameras are types of mirrors reflecting coded mirrors...they should't even be on camera if they indeed don't cast reflections.
shareCameras are types of mirrors reflecting coded mirrors...they should't even be on camera if they indeed don't cast reflections.
shareExcept technology .....'mirrorless cameras' have heard of them yes? :D
It would have been a bit weird of a film if all you saw was moving cloths and no faces for the vampires etc.
Ordinary mirrors are made by coating a piece of glass with silver.
shareCameras are NOTHING like mirrors. Not a plot hole and you made yourself sound like an idiot.
The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:
The vampire reflection thing always made me roll my eyes because a lack of reflections would mean a problem with the mirror not the vampire since if a vampire casts no reflection then we would not be able to see them because vision is picking up light being reflected off things, if something doesn't reflect light then it would be a black body, in this instance in the shape of a man, a vampire would be an absence of light in the shape of a man.
Sort of like the complete opposite of the alien at the beginning of Starman :D
Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov
I justify their clothes not showing up in the mirror by their victims died In those clothes and so the clothes carry death on them.