This vs Only Lovers Left Alive

I would like to hear the opinion on people who have watched both, as I think they deal with somewhat a similar topic = daily life of vampires.
Without even watching this one I am sure this is much less dark and with a humorous tone to it, but what else is there to talk about? :)

Please no spoilers if possible


There really is little to compare to. I've seen both. Other than vampires dealing with modern life, there is little similarity. Both are good in their own way.


I've seen both and absolutely adore both for very different reasons.
What We Do In The Shadows, has a silly and clever way of illustrating the ongoings of daily or 'nightly' life of vampires. It was filled with pure fun and hilarious moments.
Only Lovers Left Alive, was definitely much more serious in tone, but it wasn't without
it's humorous moments either. This one was more melancholy in nature, but dealt with very real issues and was more of a movie about enduring love and overcoming obstacles.
They were both different movies and both to be appreciated in their own right. I'd recommend them to anyone.


I think Only Lovers inspired What We Do in The Shadows. I saw Only Lovers after seeing WWDITS, and immediately thought there were similarities. The style in which it was filmed and lighted, the rundown messy cluttered house, the out of date clothing and devices, the pictures on the walls, the laconic mundane pace. Ian/Stu and Ava/Nick are arguably similar characters.


WWDITS is actually from their 2005 short film which is similar except this one has a cinematic budget (makes a world of diff), so the original came out before Only Lovers.

M is fearless, she's the original honey badger, she doesn't give a sh!t! - Nekojita


There's absolutely no comparison between the films. One is a tale told seriously from the POV of the vampires living outside the world (OLLA) and tired of immortality and the other is told for laughs and giggles from the outside looking in. It's apples and blood plasma.

Bored now.


It's apples and blood plasma.
Yep. There weren't even swearwolves, I mean werewolves, in OLLA.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


I liked how in OLLA vampires were mastered in any art form they liked but somehow doubtful about many things, while in this one they were a mess in drawing, music etc. but still managed to be quite confident about their skills. That made me giggle esspecially in comparison to one another.
Sorry for my english, I hope I made myself clear.
