My 11yo kid brother is even annoyed at this film
He enjoyed the other two films, this one had him listing plot holes and questioning everything for nearly 40 minutes.
I mean, he's 11, and this film didn't even convince him!
I was severely frustrated with it's pacing and tone. The confusing plot I could shrug off as it's aimed at an age group much younger than me. I had no idea of the rep of the 3rd book before coming on here, having not read them, but this was ridiculous.
Still unsure how anyone is supposed to know this is only Part 1 of the last book? IMBD have since updated the title, but knowing there were three books, and having a film titled after the last one, how were we supposed to know this was not the end? Until I saw other threads here I had no idea.
Not sure if my view of the film was unfairly warped by this, as we assumed it was the worst ending ever and were super angry about it. Hoping Part 2 will tie things up and make this a little less frustrating.
Also - Was any one else annoyed with Shailene Woodley's acting? Usually I think she's pretty good, but I really noticed it in this movie - no emotion at all!
Gahhhhh this film.