MovieChat Forums > Allegiant (2016) Discussion > My 11yo kid brother is even annoyed at t...

My 11yo kid brother is even annoyed at this film

He enjoyed the other two films, this one had him listing plot holes and questioning everything for nearly 40 minutes.

I mean, he's 11, and this film didn't even convince him!

I was severely frustrated with it's pacing and tone. The confusing plot I could shrug off as it's aimed at an age group much younger than me. I had no idea of the rep of the 3rd book before coming on here, having not read them, but this was ridiculous.

Still unsure how anyone is supposed to know this is only Part 1 of the last book? IMBD have since updated the title, but knowing there were three books, and having a film titled after the last one, how were we supposed to know this was not the end? Until I saw other threads here I had no idea.

Not sure if my view of the film was unfairly warped by this, as we assumed it was the worst ending ever and were super angry about it. Hoping Part 2 will tie things up and make this a little less frustrating.

Also - Was any one else annoyed with Shailene Woodley's acting? Usually I think she's pretty good, but I really noticed it in this movie - no emotion at all!

Gahhhhh this film.


I didn't know 11 y/o's liked the Divergent movies lmao


No *beep* sherlock


Well, apparently, OP has an 11 y/o brother who does


Okay and???


Which is just surprising, that's all...

Aye, nothing to see here... Move along


The higher you fly, the faster you fall.


I can tell she's sick of being in these movies. She's talented but there's nothing to work with in this movie.


Yea. Anybody can tell she's sick of being in these films because the franchise was supposed to make her as big as J Law was with Hunger Games and Kristen Stewart in Twilight, but that's not the case cuz it's not even in the same level with The Hunger Games or Twilight or even Harry Potter as successful franchises. Those films are the Godfather/Goodfellas/TheDeparted combined compared to Divergent and other failed attempt hit YA movie franchise except Divergent is the only one with a franchise but one that no one aren't really THAT interested in like the "BIG 3". Lionsgate promised that girl she was going to be the new "J. Law" just for being in a franchise that was supposed to be a HIT, but it's just another dystopian film that's doesn't have any impact and I can tell you after the franchise end, it's going to be forgotten...


I never thought Divergent would be as big as THG tbh as most audiences perceived it to be a Hunger Games derivative lite. Even after Twilight's massive success, a number of movies tried to imitate it featuring a romance between a human and supernatural love interest (Beautiful Creatures, The Host, Warm Bodies) but since Twilight grabbed the market first, the rest of them didn't get as big. Much in the same way A Series of Unfortunate Events, PJO, Inkheart, Spiderwick, Narnia, Golden Compass, etc never got as big as HP.


Warm bodies wasn't an imitation of Twilight, it was loosely on Romeo & Juliet and I don't think it was supposed to be a series, but if you replaced it with Mortal instruments and The host, then yea, I wholeheartedly agree. Also, these other dystopian films aren't doing as big either, like you said romantic supernatural films like twilight, the same for THG with dystopian films. There's other YA films that they can do other than the same three-way romance, supernatural, dystopian films.


I think it's also an issue of the unpredictability of the market. Filmmakers and publishers can't really predict what will be the next big thing so they're safter trying to adapt YA dystopias since that is what was big at the time. I'm thinking YA fantasy might make a return since it will be a nice idealistic departure from the bleak, cynical tone of dystopias. It was kind of the reason people embraced the THG in the first place since it itself was very different from Twilight.


Yea, I agree. Or go back to doing films like Fault of our stars or paper town...


The film isn't really even for 11 year olds, one. two shailene's acting was perfectly fine like everyone else's. I don't know honestly why Lionsagte split this book. They saw the book and fan base size and only looked at money. But I loved the film regardless, though it went through almost the ENTIRE book
