Scenes that bothered you
First off, let me say that this is one of the most boring movies I have seen. Ever. Holy *beep* it was bad...
It was one scene, though, that bothered me the most for some reason. It wasn't the worst, but it was just... wrong.
It is kinda two scenes, first one where Four and that guy no one cares about killed everything ever and crashed. Four said to Guy something like: "Tell her I left you behind". "k, y?" "She'll know I lied". Or something.
Then cut immediately to where Guy came back and talked to Badman and Tris. Badman asked about Four, and Guy said "He left me behind". Then some small talk and Badman leaves. Tris says "You're lying, he wouldn't leave you (she didn't know he helped anyway lol)!" Guy "He said you would know I lied..."
That whole interaction was not necessary at all. The scene should have gone like this:
*Guy looks at Tris*"Four left me behind!" *WIIIINK* Badman: "Oh, all right :D". *Tris does a small nod to Guy*
But nope... they had to set up that Tris is superawesome by knowing people lie, and then showing again 30 seconds later that she is superawesome knowing people lie.
Might have explained it horribly, but I blame the movie for making me tired. Scene could have been done a lot better without treating the audience like retards. Can I say "retard"? This movie was retarded.
Any scenes you disliked, more than other (since all the scenes are bad)?
When people die, they just...go away. If there’s any place a soul would go...It’s in your memories.