Soooo someone impersonated

Reacher? And slept with the woman, and then told her his name was Jack Reacher??

Because that's the silly idea I got


ha. came here to sort of ask this question too.

how did she peg Reacher as the guy having never met?

I don't really care... it's not a plot hole or weak writing or anything, just a curiosity.
How would that even happen? How did she call out HIM as being the father?
I personally have seen this happen to a friend in real life, but it was an identical name, so understandable screw up.

Did she approach the army (or whatever) saying she knew he was in the forces, but didn't have a name and just pick someone seemingly similar? And that is all that was needed?

Your impersonator makes a lot of sense, but they didn't ever resolve this part for us.
