The "Race" thread
Please only comment if you've seen the film.
So I saw this film and I enjoyed it because I knew it would be a B-film.
Double Toasted Review said it well and the first part of the film was Xenophobia: The Film. What I didn't like about this film, in terms of race, was that the Japanese characters are seriously forgettable and pretty devoid of character. They only exist to talk about creepy lore about ghosts, are creepy school girl ghosts, or work as a guide with no personality. I think the JPN characters could have been fleshed out better but then, this is a poorly written horror film.
In terms of race, I do feel that Aiden had to be white. If he was, say, black, I think audience would have been annoyed because they used a black actor to play a "dodgy character". If the protagonist was a black person, would this film have worked? What do you guys say? Are we ready to have a Hollywood horror film with a non-white person as a protagonist? And yes, there's the Halle Berry flop, Gothika.
As the above movie review stated, I think Natalie Dormer should appear as Godzilla in her next film role.