
There's a reason most movies with European/Asian characters include one word said in a sardonic tone - "American".

30 min into the movie and already feeling like slapping Sarah.

1) Apparently the only food she can find in a Japanese restaurant are live worms. Even though Japan produces one of the best beef in the world.
2) She goes out to search for her sister in a forest wearing an outfit usually fit for a walk in NYC park. Complete with shoes.
3) She says "we're twins. If my sister is dead, I would know". She doesn't say that she has a crystal ball or that she is a meth head.
4) She is in a foreign country making fun of their culture.

Clearly, she's an a***ole.



(also posted in another thread)

I kinda start to hate her after she said:

"If the yurei are looking for me, I'll be at my hotel."

for her stupid ignorant attitude..
I wouldn't have let her out of the hole in the ground if I had been Aiden especially because of her behavior right before it with his mobile phone..

One thing though..
She isn't American, she's Brittish..

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."


1) When she went out to eat, first thing we see is a lobster tail in front of her. And as for that Kobe beef, yes it's one of the best in the world....and it's out of the price range of most. And she's there looking for a missing relative. She's not going to spend time going to some high end restaurant to get the most expensive steak possible.

2) What would you have liked her to wear? A military type outfit? She wore...what she was comfortable in. She wasn't planning to be in that forest long term. And who hasn't seen someone go out for a hike or what have you in jeans and a sweatshirt.

3) She said they are twins. Didn't need a crystal ball or to be a meth head. Twins the majority of the time know when something is wrong with their twin. Look it up. There are documentaries on this. There has been scientific research into this.

4) Not once did I see her make fun of another culture. Disagree with it yes. Make fun of? No. And let's keep in mind, wherever you are from, rest assured that there are things in your culture (like every other) that people from other cultures would disagree with.

And on a side note, So your comment of "There's a reason most movies with European/Asian characters include one word said in a sardonic tone - "American".

30 min into the movie and already feeling like slapping Sarah."

Dormer is BRITISH. Dumbass.

Sounds to me like you didn't like the movie (which is fine and good), but felt some need to nitpick the *beep* out of it and in doing so, you made yourself look like a moron.



What about you? Wanna stay here in crazy town or help me rescue the geek?


Dormer is a Brit and I think this is a British film.Shows how clever they are...!
