MovieChat Forums > The Forest (2016) Discussion > You cant make a PG-13 horror movie.

You cant make a PG-13 horror movie.

You cant make a PG-13 horror movie. it just doesn't work. horror is not PG-13. Life for that matter, is not PG-13. PG is for Disney. Realistic, in any category, is at a minimum R rated. Please quit ruining good movies by trying to keep everything PG.



The ring was a 16 in England, i am surprised it was only a pg-13 in America, I am guessing they cut some things for that

but anyway the ring wasn't a very good film, if you liked it so much maybe YOU are the retard


The ring is an amazing movie and you are the retard. Ya dig?


unless you're only referring to graphic violence as horror, you're silly.

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.


Dude finally! Finally someone understands what Ive been saying for years. Horror movies that are PG-13 I usually don't even bother watching. A good horror film deserves a rated R rating. But then again they're trying to target the teenagers


I agree I've been saying the same thing for years


1408 was one of Stephen Kings best movies and that was pg-13


Robert Wise's The Haunting... Rated G.
1982's Poltergeist... PG (but probably wouldn't be more than a PG-13 nowadays)
The Ring... PG-13 (And the original which is way better would probably be rated the same, if not PG because there's exceedingly little violence/profanity)
The Others... PG-13
The Sixth Sense... PG-13

Just the first five examples to pop into my head within five seconds. So please... tell me exactly why PG-13 horror can't work? You're confusing gore with horror. Big difference.

How about we, as a fanbase, stop obsessing over ratings? Let's focus on the real issue, which is sub-par filmmakers who don't respect the genre and clueless studios who tamper with the films and only greenlight stupid, written-by-committee garbage for teens 99% of the time. I'll take a PG-13 horror flick by a quality filmmaker over an R-rated dud from a studio hack any day of the week, thank you very much...

This obsession and tunnel-vision with the R-rating only serves to undermine horror as a whole and creates a frankly troubling point-of-view that portrays horror fans as nothing more than shallow gore-hounds.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


Ech, i dont think Poltergeist is a good example. Back then movies that would get R rating now were getting PG rating. The rating board got filled with people that dont even know what PG-13 should be.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Wrong. Yes you can make horror movies without over use of sex,violence and swearing. That's more of the cheap way out. A good scare don't need excess crap.


The only PG-13 horror movie I really liked was Insidious. Poltergeist sucked. I just started The Forest but I don't have high expectations.


The Ring and The Others are good.

"I'm not used to being out in months that don't begin with 'O'."
-The Ringmaster, Dark Harbor


The rating is never the problem, the content is. Some horror films only have a higher rating due to language or a bit of sex. You take the graphic sex seen out of Don't Look Now you would still have a good film. Halloween and Psycho maybe could have been rated lower and would still be good.
