Jarora2213's theory

About Sara and Jess being the same person makes a lot of sense. Any other theories out there?


I agree that theory really put a nice spin on it. Read it while the movie was still playing cause I tend to have ADHD but this idea is really a good avenue.


you should repost the theory because at face value it sounds rediculous. ones married. one is a teacher. they talk to each others people. the husband knows them as 2 different people. there are photos etc. etc. etc.


Thats the most ridiculous thing ever.
If she wasnt married then it could make sense but the fact that the writers added a husband completely disproves the second petsonality theory.

The fact that michi was sad at the end...


That's a lame theory- they were two ifferent people, plenty of proof in the film and nothing to question it, so the theory makes no sense.

In the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded.


Well this theory doesn't make any sense at all.


disagree with this theory. Two people.
