Wait a minute
So they move, and Mia finds the doll in a box. Instead of freaking out, she's all "it's cool, I'll just put her back on the shelf". Wtf? She's SEEN the doll move! She's been creeped out by it enough so to have it thrown out. And NOW she's ok with it?
I was expecting, at this point, for her to start being possessed ala Katie in PA ("I changed my mind, I wanna stay here").
Oy. This movie was ridiculous.
And the actress Annabelle was just awful. I'm sorry, but if I've been terrorized like that, I would NOT be as calm as her. I'd literally be in a corner shaking. And I'd make sure my husband and baby are with me at all times. Never let them out of my sight. Have to poop? We're all going into the bathroom. Want a sandwich? We're all going into the kitchen. None of this sleeping in the bedroom with the door closed while your husband watches the baby.
Ay me, sad hours seem long