MovieChat Forums > Annabelle (2014) Discussion > The horror audience is annoying af

The horror audience is annoying af

It seems like all you people are good for is whining and criticizing every single thing about this genre's films. This movie was amazing. The director did an amazing job and the acting was so satisfying considering this is a horror movie. I feel like you guys are just making up stuff just to talk crap, I honestly see nothing wrong at least not enough to call this film crap.


I wouldn't call it crap or amazing.It was average at best.A little disappointing IMO.I expected to like this as much as i enjoyed the Conjuring but it wasn't nearly as good.It only had a few good scare scenes and i didn't find the story or the characters that interesting.

"You dont know what death is" Sam Loomis Halloween 2


I am a die hard horror fan and I agree with you 100% this movie was just fun (even more fun when you watch it with someone who hates dolls) I think its just hipster wana be horror fans bitching bc they have no drive or talent themselves to make a better movie...but they sure can talk a big game!


I hear you. As for me, I loved the movie.

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The acting was amazing?

I'm sorry, what?! I'm 100% either you have zero standards for acting or you never even saw the film.

The acting was absolutely awful, and the story was plodding, poorly written, and crucially, I didn't give a single **** about any of the characters or their lives.

What makes the modern classics like Insidious, Conjuring, and Sinister (1) shine is that you actually get to know the character beyond whatever archetype their filling.

Here, we have "Married White Couple With A Child #3-B" and neither of them have even a semblance of personality or individuality, which makes the film so boring and worthless, since neither character has an existence that serves any sort of purpose.

That's not being an overly critical snob, that's watching the movie and stating a fact about it.

