Great Comedy

Get some friends and beers and you can view this as a comedy while you all do a MST3K while watching it. Great time! This film has all the tropes of what you DONT do in a horror movie if you want to stay alive.


Haha i never saw it that way. I've been too pissed off at the dissapointment that i never considered it a comedy. Thank you


I thought it was an ok movie, but enough is enough. We are supossed to believe someone would actually want this creepy doll in their house and I was going to let that slide until ...that old lady at the end who was so into buying it, still covered in blood and all zombied up? That was just too unbelieavable for me and ruined the last bits of seriousness.


Whenever I see someone call a horror film funny I instantly recall an incident where I watched a film with a pal who was shitting his pants and tried mocking the film we were watching.

Honestly whenever someone makes comments like this I can only assume they got spooked and want to make a big song and dance how bad the film is as a form of self therapy.
