God, every morning for the past week I've read the headline around the fact that "Will Smith and wife are upset over lack of diversity in the film industry". Seriously, grow the *beep* up you whiney, narcissistic aholes. If you want to he recognised at the oscars, WORK HARDER. Be a better actor. Choose better scripts. If you can't land good projects, WRITE YOUR OWN. The fact that they are black has absolutely zilch to do with their lack of nomination, it's that they simply didn't grind hard enough last year. Jada sucks anyway, her Fish Mooney in Gotham was dreadful
Though I truly admire Will and Jada's decision, but to blame it on the Oscars committee for not being "diverse" this year is frankly stupid. I mean what does ,the "Best Foreign Film" category symbolizes then?
they have to understand that the Oscar nominations are not decided by a committee but panels of esteemed directors who give their vote individually for every category Its not like the panel knows who the other guy is going to vote for, and try to uphold the race balance for the nominations.
I think that "and mind you I love Will and believe he is a superb actor" (I apologize if I am wrong", Will is a little upset that concussion didn't make it, and it was a great film but compared to the likes of the Revenant, big short and Danish girl it just got overlooked.
Though I truly admire Will and Jada's decision, but to blame it on the Oscars committee for not being "diverse" this year is frankly stupid.
They're not blaming the Oscars for not being diverse, but the members for not nominating ONE single minority. The Oscars, the Academy awards, are very important events in an actor's or anyone else in the entertainment business lives. These things mean a lot to people an it's not like you can go and start your own award shows... it's not the same thing. There's no validity like the one received from something that's been held for over 70 years!
I mean what does ,the "Best Foreign Film" category symbolizes then?
Will is not a foreigner. He's an american. Minorities are not all foreigners, unless you mean that anyone "non-White" is a foreigner.
They're not boycotting the Oscars because their movie didn't get nominated, but because it's a fact that the Oscar's and Hollywood deal very poorly with minorities in the film industry.
By "minorities" black filmmakers are simply speaking in regards to blacks. You don't see Spike Lee and Smith jump up and call racism when a black person is nominated but not a Mexican, Asian or Native American.
And Smith was nominated twice and lost to a black actor both times.
The reality is that white performers did better than black performers this year. What black people want is essentially for the Academy to make a "Best black actor" award category because they are self entitled and think they deserve it because "slavery". They never experienced slavery a day in their life's and most wouldn't have been born without it.
If Leonardo Dicaprio was a black guy do you know how many black people would accuse the Academy of racism based on the fact that he still hasn't won an Oscar?
That right there should tell you everything you need to know.