Actually hes right. It was just not a very good movie. I liked it, like I might like a mediocre action film, but neither is Oscar worthy. The film was made in conjunction with the NFL, and apparently parts they did not like were cut out. So...instead of a hard hitting film with great get a cookie-cutter film made with the permission of the thing it is trying to critisize...Will Smith did fine in his role, but he also did not have to do much acting wise. Very simple role, with only 1 scene where he even got animated at all, and the director for some reason chose to not even go with his mic sound but instead some stupid music so you cant even hear him yell or scream or whatever he is saying. Poorly directed, OK acting by Will, not a great movie, and not Oscar worthy. Has nothing to do with skin color. But trying really really hard to get an Oscar nom out of a mediocre film will definitely get some people who don't know much about movies to agree with you.