MovieChat Forums > Concussion (2015) Discussion > Oscars so white? Or NFL so powerful...

Oscars so white? Or NFL so powerful...

This is not a ground-breaking movie in terms of filmmaking. It's quite basic. But it does a good job of making the audience consider the price football players pay for our entertainment. That alone makes it an important movie and it should be considered for awards, even if it doesn't win. The only explanation is the NFL sent a memo to Hollywood and Hollywood caved.


Or it was a dull Oscar bait movie full of inaccurate events.


Interesting theory. I assume you're a brain surgeon who's conducted his own research in this area. If not, I'll disregard your comment altogether.


Unlike your research? That shows what?

Where do you stand on boxing?


Actually hes right. It was just not a very good movie. I liked it, like I might like a mediocre action film, but neither is Oscar worthy. The film was made in conjunction with the NFL, and apparently parts they did not like were cut out. So...instead of a hard hitting film with great get a cookie-cutter film made with the permission of the thing it is trying to critisize...Will Smith did fine in his role, but he also did not have to do much acting wise. Very simple role, with only 1 scene where he even got animated at all, and the director for some reason chose to not even go with his mic sound but instead some stupid music so you cant even hear him yell or scream or whatever he is saying. Poorly directed, OK acting by Will, not a great movie, and not Oscar worthy. Has nothing to do with skin color. But trying really really hard to get an Oscar nom out of a mediocre film will definitely get some people who don't know much about movies to agree with you.



I haven't seen the movie, but I'm not surprised for one second that a movie about concussions called "Concussion" played by the Fresh Prince with a terrible accent wouldn't exactly be Oscar Bait. Why not just call it "Concussion: the Movie" while you're at it. How do you think Spotlight would have done if they would have called it "Priests raping boys?"


You need to see the movie then. It amazes me when people are all judgemental about films they haven't even seen. Saw the film, and it's a very good film with excellent acting in it, Smith included. Tired of people slamming this film simply because he's in it----hell, the film probably would have never gotten made if it wasn't for him to begin with. Also, Smith hasn't been the "Fresh Prince" for over 20 years now. He's already proved years ago and in other films that he's an excellent actor, but for some silly reason,some people here still don't want to give him any credit for that. That being said, CONCUSSION was a good,serious movie about a good serious issue which is hardly brought up in mainstream films anyway.
