Very Good Movie

Just saw it via DVD, this movie was way better than most people said and Will Smith's performance was very good. I'm willing to bet a lot of people who didn't like the movie never saw it.


I agree this was a very good movie. There are posters on here that completely missed the point of this movie by saying stuff like, this movie was a waste of time because we already know hitting your head will cause a concussion. No that is not the point of this movie is that these athletes are facing serious health risks that are caused by years of playing football and the fact the NFL tried to bury it. CTE wasn't even recognized until the early 2000s. The NFL knew that their players were suffering from this and refused to do anything about it. And players will continue to suffer until something is done about it.


I agree with you. This movie was to tell the story of what happened and continues to happen when the NFL covered/s up or discredited/s their former players' health issues. I enjoyed the way the story was told and the acting by all those major players. I didn't care for the "love scenes" between the Omalu's - too boring. That was my only complaint about the movie. Otherwise, great and tragic story that needs to be told.


Will Smith was OK ,but the movie was below average.
They picked the wrong POV with which to tell this story.

The doctor is too boring to be the main character. They should have followed a football player and allowed the story to take us inside the culture of football, the hard play, the desire to suffer for the game & glory, and the long term ramifications. And yes, we can have the medical perspective too. But we should have seen the degenerative effects of CTE through a person on the front lines. IT would have resonated more.

Even with the death threats, the loss of the baby, etc, I simply did not care about the doctor. I didn't care about him at all or his struggle to get people to believe in CTE; my concerns are with the athletes and that perspective should have been stronger, cohesive and continuous throughout the movie.

The movie just didn't flow well or provide an engaging story.


the doctor was the one who essentially discovered the disease and it sort of did go in on the ramifications of CTE on the players. But the main point of the movie was to follow how the NFL was trying to cover up the fact these athletes were suffering from this disease. Its cool that you are more concerned for the athletes but i think if it focused more on them and the desire of the game (which wasn't the point of the movie) it wouldn't of had the same Effect on how the NFL was covering all this up and tried to taint bennets reputation. I think this movie did a fine job resonating the effects of CTE on the players, on how they are slowly slipping away and cant hold on to their sanity any longer and end up committing suicide.



My wife and I thought it was very good. Will Smith blew us away. The movie has it's way of telling a powerful story. The movie has a respect towards the sport source and it's careful on presenting the subject without making judgment.

< A peaceful place, so it looks from space. A close look reveals the human race. - Grateful Dead >
