MovieChat Forums > Concussion (2015) Discussion > Will Smith definitely deserves the Acade...

Will Smith definitely deserves the Academy Award for Best Actor ...

I've seen all the other best actor movies at least twice. Will Smith's performance is the best - by far. 5 minutes into this movie you totally forget Will Smith is the Actor .... he is Dr. Omalu ... who is kind, caring, driven, brilliant, Nigerian, mannered ... and constantly searching for answers. Either the entire Academy is RACIST in not including him in the nominations, let alone the Best Actor Award or the NFL has poisoned the well against Will Smith with charges of being "one dimensional" ... "light weight" .... "average performance" .... etc. Go see the movie and judge for yourself.


He may have been cursed by the casting. They made no effort to make Luke Wilson, Will Smith or Alec Baldwin look like the people they portray. The film wasn't as entertaining as the other films, which falls on the lead actor.


His accent was terrible. Detracted from the acting.


Will's accent was Nigerian .... Dr Bennett is Nigerian. Must be pretty hard to make that connection you box of rocks.


Will Smith's accent was a caricature of Nigerian one you idiot.



It wasn't Nigerian. They didn't want an imitation, just a version. He was able to mimic the Dr. But there would be subtitles in the film.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


At several points you can hear him slip out of the accent and I'm not even American.

You don't get an oscar for doing that.

"You'll be taking a soul train straight to a disco inferno where you never can say goodbye!"


I am not saying he did a bad job and even if he got a nomination I wouldnt be suprised but Leonardo did a much stellar job at revenant same way with Bryan Cranston in Trumbo. Matt Damon played a unique role with humour and tragedy combined in a near future sci-fi. Eddie Radmanye played a freaking person who was having gender crisis in an era when odd sexual choices would make you a witch. And lastly Micheal Fassbender it is arguable that he played better than Smith but he did good. Also there are a lot more performances that were overlooked and deserved a nomination more than Smith's performance. Tom Hardy in Mad Max, Tom Hardy in Legend, Tom Hanks in Bridge of Spies, Jacob Trambay in Room. And I am sure there are many others.

Will Smith was just good not extraordinary.


Very well said. Everyone deserved a spot on that list of nominees. I went into this movie trying to understand the politics of this Academy Awards and was surprised to find NO bases for an argument of him being unfairly snubbed. The accent was too phony during some scenes and the movie itself wasn't great. It's unfortunate because I think that it could have had a better outcome for all if it had been better written. And by the way....subtitles would have been an improvement. More believable.


Just saw the film, and it was pretty thoughtful and good. Also, Will Smith didn't need any damn subtitles when he spoke---I had no problem understanding him,and frankly,that's exactly how some Africans speak,accent and all. Obviously, you haven't been around Africans enough to even know what they sound like. I saw a PBS Frontline documentary a couple of years ago with the real doctor whom the film is about, and he spoke perfect English with a Nigerian accent. He didn't need subtitles when he was being interviewed on the program,either. Honestly, it's clear that if anyone else had played the lead role, nobody would be complaining about it. Smith long ago proved that he's an excellent actor, so I don't know why people are still whining whenever he plays in anything--I mean,the man can act---get over it already.


If activista the dirt stupid hate filled bigot is endorsing the movie you know it's garbage. She's a malicious miserable person who hates everyone that isn't a vicious black bigot just like herself.

Smith's role could consist of him taking a dump on the floor and eating it and bigotvista would proclaim it pure genius simply because smith is black.

I wish I was exaggerating but she is really that pathetic. Just read a few of her numerous posts where she spews vitriol at all non blacks and often screams for all non blacks to be butchered. She is a vicious bloodthirsty animal.


Not that I can't appreciate your point of view, but I'm too busy laughing!! When we speak of subtitles in this movie, we are speaking of realistic moments when he would have been speaking his own language therefor subtitles would be needed. Not that we couldn't understand his accent. Which is ironic because we are saying the opposite...the accent was too American/Fake. Personally, I'm a huge Will Smith fan. I was routing for him. To each there own.






When idiot bigots and pathetic white liberals can't back up their moronic accusations they scream RACIST The word has lost all validity because lazy fools toss it out so much.


NO, Idris Elba Beast of no Nation performance is much better than this


Lmao stop it, Leo had that award won months ago.


I've seen all the nominees except for TRUMBO. I think Will deserved a nomination more than Matt Damon.


I've enjoyed most every movie he makes. He does have talent. I don't know if I'd toss in the race card about the Academy. I don't watch award shows.

< A peaceful place, so it looks from space. A close look reveals the human race. - Grateful Dead >


Will Smith is a very talented actor. I think his performance in "Pursuit of Happiness" was one of the best I have ever seen. I think he should have won that year. So I had high expectations going into seeing this movie, especially, considering all of the controversy surrounding the film. Now that I have finished the film, I have some mixed feelings.

The film was very good and Will Smith's acting was very good too. It would be easy to imagine that both the film and Will Smith could have been nominated for an Oscar. That being said, I can also see why it wasn't. There was just something missing, some edge that should have been there and wasn't. I think it was more to do with the directing and the scripting than Will Smith's acting. I have to agree with a previous poster, the move was trying a little too hard to be relevant and get that nomination or at least that is how it felt at times.

I hope Will Smith does win an Oscar some day. I think he deserves one because he certainly has talent. However, It is debatable whether he was snubbed here. He gave a performance equally as well as some of the other nominees. The keyword being equal and not necessarily better. Leo's performance was stronger this year, although, I like Will Smith better as an actor generally speaking.
