MovieChat Forums > Concussion (2015) Discussion > wast of time,do we need a movie to belie...

wast of time,do we need a movie to believe NFL is bad ? or

Or smashing your head get you a Concussion ? i watched the movie because of will smith but imagine if it was a another movie with something that move you from your chair to the movie world .so yes high budget movie with great actors but waste of time .


The point of the movie wasn't that hitting your head can get you a concussion. Yes, we already knew that. The part that was not known, that the NFL tried to suppress, is that these repeated blows to the head can cause CTE, and a lot of football players develop it.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


The point of the movie wasn't that hitting your head can get you a concussion. Yes, we already knew that. The part that was not known, that the NFL tried to suppress, is that these repeated blows to the head can cause CTE, and a lot of football players develop it.

this. and the NFL knowing this and keeping it a secret, not giving their players proper medical care, thus leaving them to think they were crazy and commit suicide, leaves blood on the NFL's hands. it's the same thing with our vets- we send them out there but when they come back, we wash our hands of them.


You completely missed the point this movie was trying to make.


I'm sure big dumb action movies are perfect for you.


Don't forget to mark it a 1 like all the other films you mildly dislike.


Because it's a good story worth telling?

Illusions Michael. Tricks are something a whore does for money.


I haven't seen the movie yet but I agree with you... I just don't get it.

99% of nfl players and nfl fans already realize that getting concussions is a horrible thing that can lead to mental illness.

Does this guy played by will smith think that he is some sort of genius because he figured out what everybody else knew?

As an nfl fan, it pisses me off. It's just a part of the game. You get your head hit everyday. Deal with it. But in return, you get millions and millions and millions of dollars. These nfl players aren't slaves. This is their choice.


I was in a car accident nine years ago. Not sure if I had a concussion or not but I've had chronic headaches ever since. You couldn't pay me to play a sport that would give me the headaches that I have now. theyre excruciating.


You're very wrong Robert. I seriously doubt guys like Mike Webster would have played 18 seasons, if they knew what happens to about a quarter of former NFL players, or if they knew doctors were sending concussed and seriously injured players back into the game and intentionally not diagnosing concussions, because like Alec Baldwin's character said, "its business".

This is not an issue of "shake it off, you get paid millions to deal with it". First of all, very few NFL players are indeed millionaires, the majority of a typical NFL roster is about 30-40 guys who will play 1-3 years and have to join the regular workforce. Second of all, the vast majority of the football playing population are kids who will never sniff the NFL or even college ball who were never told of the risks. And you have coaches at all levels (not sure if this is still the case or if coaches have taken it out since the CTE stuff came out, its been a long time since I played), that are literally having these kids smash into each other at full speed as part of a simple drill.

When I was younger, I knew full well that I could get hurt, I knew that I could get a concussion, I didnt care, that could happen with any sport even if the odds were higher in football. I didnt know that I was putting myself at a significant risk to go crazy in my 50s and potentially kill myself or a family member. Am I being dramatic? I dont know, and thanks to the NFL we are about 5 years behind from finding out the answer.


Dude, smashing your head against objects is literally the worst thing you can do for your mental health ( other than maybe drinking drano).

I've met quite a few nfl players. Trust me, 99% of these guys have intelligence and they realize that there can be negative consequences of playing football...

And the 1% of players who don't realize that smashing their heads against things can be devestating...well these guys are idiots. It's called natural selection, and if you fall into this category, then you are prone to mental illness and even death.

You HAVE to expect to get some sort of mental illness if you're going to be engaged in violent head smashing. If you don't want mental illness, my advice would be to NEVER play contact football especially as a child.

Let me ask you this, if I spent 3 decades of my life working in the coal mines(my own choice, no one forced me), I can probably expect to have really messed up, black lungs right? Right. If that was the case, it would be my fault and only my fault. I wouldn't blame the coal Mining cooperation for my stupid decision.

I realize that the nfl are probably money hungry scumbags, but my point is you can't be mad at them for withholding information about concussions that can be found in any 6th grade health textbook.


Really? Information about CTE is in any 6th grade health textbook? LOL.

The NFL spent a lot of time and effort to deny that concussions caused CTE in football players. Now that they've been forced to admit it, you say it's something everyone knew all along. Right.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


Yup, pretty much every health textbook will tell you that concussions and other brain injuries can cause permanent damage...

But honesly, if you need a book or the freaking NFL to tell you that information, then you are an idiot.

It is a natural instinct for humans to protect their heads when faced with danger. It doesn't even require the slightest bit of intelligence.


You're avoiding my point by vaguely talking about "permanent damage". Show me ANY 6h grade textbook that mentions CTE, that clearly states that what football players (not even just pros, either) endure can cause serious dementia later in life, to literally lose their mind. It was denied for a long time by the NFL, who left these players hanging out to dry.

And there's a big difference between "can cause" damage and the percentages of players affected that we are actually seeing.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


And you're avoiding my point. Which is why do we need to rely on the nfl to provide us with scientific data of the obvious.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't give a damn what the nfl denies or confirms. It's a football organization...but your acting like they are the Harvard science center or something. You can't take what they say too seriously. If the nfl suddenly denied that smoking causes lung cancer are you going to believe that too?

At the moment I don't have a link to the book you requested but i can tell you that if you read older books (before Omalu) about concussions and brain damage, they do mention long lasting psychological damage, such as depression, anxiety, suicide, and sleeping disorders. Go to a library and find a book, I'm not going to do the work for you

But then again, you probably won't go to a library because you aren't that type of person. You are the type of person that needs to watch a will smith movie to learn that bashing your brains can be a bad thing.

In fact, I think you've actually won this argument. You have proven to me that this movie wasn't a waste of time. There are actually a few people out there who need this information spoon fed to them by Hollywood and a football organization.


But then again, you probably won't go to a library because you aren't that type of person

LOL, I just read this after coming home from the library. Yep, you're right, I've won, since you have to resort to "arguments" like that.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi
