This is all about the Outliers argument. To play at the highest level you need unbelievable talent and the chance to play the game again and again from a young age. Let's look at the four major sports and their demographics:
Football: Mostly poor black players with a few corn-fed midwest white players and white QB's and kickers. This is because black kids can play for free in high school, and middle school in many cases, and then they are given scholarships to keep playing. Many positions are very speed and strength oriented where they pick up what they need from an X's and O's standpoint in high school and college. QB's are a complex, technical position where they've been groomed since elementary school with private coaches, travel team leagues, and are often the sons of NFL QB's themselves.
Baseball: Historically a white sport because of the barrier to entry to play caused by the need for expensive baseball fields, equipment, and paid umpires. The timing, coordination, and skill requirement makes it tough to pick up in you teens, and you need to start from the time you're at least in elementary school. However, in the past 20 years, we've seen tons of Latin talent due to it being the major sport in the Island countries, and while they are poor, they have tons of space to baseball fields.
Basketball: Typically seen as a mostly black sport due to the lack of equipment needed to play, and abundance of basketball courts in the inner city. Young kids would play basketball every day of their youth, and the best would win scholarships to prep school. The tide is shifting as the game is becoming more and more international, and as recruitment starts younger and younger. Kids from wealthy families (often times still black, but wealthy families) take the process seriously and hone the skills from a young age, the way that young QB's do.
Hockey: Pretty similar to baseball but with a higher barrier to entry. Most schools don't even have hockey programs. Ice time and equipment is incredibly expensive and has the highest barrier to entry. Ergo, all white dudes with a few token rich black guys from wealthy family.
Remember, the abundance of a race in sports does mean that a race is doing well, like it does if they're involved in the sciences or politics or business. Its a way to escape tough situations if you have the rare talent for it. People forget that decades ago, Jews were disadvantages and dominated basketball.