I know this is based of a true story and the autopsies that led to the discovery of CTE were all football players, but why did the film focus all on NFL, why wasn't there a subliminal message towards IBA or WWE. or is the Boxing Association untouchable and above the NFL ?

WWE is scripted, like ballet I know, but still the pounding I have to admit, me excited, but the point here is do you think Wrestlers/Boxers and MMA fighters have more chances of CTE than NFL players.

and frankly, if its based on G force alone then USAF pilots take on high G force every time they take-off and land ?



There was a subliminal nod to the dangers of boxing. When Dr. Omalu does his "due diligence" research, he comes home with a pile of papers to read, and the manuscript on the top is about the head injuries and brain damage associated with boxing. In boxing the condition is called dementia pugilistica or chronic traumatic brain injury (CTBI), but it is a close relative to CTE.


Boxing is real and dangerous. I've followed Muhammad Ali for years & I've read a few times his Parkinson's could have been cause by his brain injury. It's a risk you take each time you step into the ring.

< A peaceful place, so it looks from space. A close look reveals the human race. - Grateful Dead >


Speaking as a former prowrestler who fears that I may have CTE. I would think football and wrestling are far more dangerous than boxing and MMA. Wrestling may even be worse than football.

Simply because football and wrestling is a day in day out pounding. The other sports you go months without having a match. In football I would say practice alone is enough to do you in. Same with wrestling. I will tell that mat is not soft. Taking bump after bump for up to six hours a day six days a week, there is alot of whipping of the head. Lets not forget accidents where you do really get your head bashed. Plus your not wearing a helmet.

P.S. I had great typing skills and could type this without even looking at it and have no mistakes. I had to proof read this like 6 times just to make sure I typed it with no issues.
