That accent was horrible! (Spoilers)
No, not Will Smith's accent as Bennet Omalu. That was pretty good. It just needed to convince me that he was native to an African country and it served that purpose fine.
I'm talking about the accent of the anonymous Yinzer phone bully who called Dr. Omalu right after he went public about CTE. At first I thought that guy was some Aussie who was afraid the doctor would go after Australian rules rugby next. It wasn't until the second-to-last word he spoke that I knew he was supposed to be a home-grown Steelers fan.
"Yeah, is this Ben Loy-malu? You wanna pussify dis country? You wanna vaginize fuuhball? Get da hell out! Or they'll be doing yer autopsy!"
I didn't finish the movie yet, but so far it's pretty good. I can understand why Will Smith felt snubbed if he didn't get at least an Oscar nom out of this.
I had the same thoughts about this movie that I had about Titanic going in. What can they possibly tell me about this subject that isn't already obvious? But I found the "bad guys'" arguments about how important the NFL is to America (and Pittsburgh) pretty compelling, actually. So, the explanation of why Dr. Omalu was the perfect guy to expose this cover-up - given by his wife while sitting on the edge of the Ohio River - was even more compelling and made sense. Anybody else probably would have dropped this and wouldn't have felt too bad about it.