MovieChat Forums > Daredevil (2015) Discussion > How Spider-Man 3 Can Bring Vincent D'Ono...

How Spider-Man 3 Can Bring Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin to the MCU

D'Onofrio's Fisk would certainly be welcome in the cinematic universe, especially in the Spider-Man franchise, which has struggled to extricate its Peter Parker from the Avengers and his now-dead mentor Tony Stark. Introducing Kingpin, a gritty mob boss in the comics, would effectively ground the hero, whose previous MCU appearances have strayed a bit from his "Friendly Neighborhood" origins, often dealing with intergalactic threats and super tech. Pitting Spidey against someone like Kingpin - whose greed and thirst for violence would threaten any community - may help to initiate the fresh start the web-head so desperately needs.

Thanks to the impending opening of the Marvel's Multiverse, Vincent D'Onofrio's hopes to come back and play an alternate universe version of Kingpin is certainly still on the table. Seeing the actor in Spider-Man 3 after already capturing the Fisk's fury and pathos would certainly be a nice surprise for fans of the Netflix Universe, even after the streaming juggernaut has stopped producing Marvel content. But judging from the Daredevil series' high body count, Spidey may be hoping that D'Onofrio stays far away.


Fisk is already in the MCU


Lets hope he will be in the movie


I think the only real obstacle is the power level difference. MCU Fisk isn't the freak of nature he was in the comics who could crush Spider-man in a bearhug. I'm thinking either keep him a cerebral threat (they don't fight), or he relies on tech, softens him up with a powered henchman, takes a serum, or just becomes really strong with a few hints thrown here and their that he augmented himself in some way and the script goes "don't over-think it. We just want them to fight."
