MovieChat Forums > Daredevil (2015) Discussion > If it's not warming up after 3 episodes...

If it's not warming up after 3 episodes is it gonna ever?

I would rate it maybe 6 or 7.
Is it gonna any better?
If it's not gonna be better I'm gonna fold.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.


I think it keeps ramping up. But then, I liked it immensely from the first episode so we probably have different taste. Fold if your time's so precious, why ask random people? You know it's popular and critically acclaimed already, but if it's not your thing, it's just not your thing.

What's something you felt was missing from the early episodes? People could tell you if it improves by your standards if they know what you want more or less of.

There's always free cheddar in the mousetrap


I'm not much into superhero comics, but I like good stories and characters in TV series.
I also like big actions too, but I wasn't expecting big actions like in big budget superhero movies in a TV series.
I mainly felt the characters and the story were too unrealistic, overhyeped, even for a superhero TV series.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.


No, the premiere episode is a very strong episode of the series. If episode 1 did not warm you, then the series is not for you.

The series is reasonably consistent from there, with a few dips in quality with some derivative plots and excessive action sequences. I do recommend this series for superhero aficionados, but it does remain around a 6 or 7 out of 10 in terms of quality. It isn't a masterpiece or anything.

Dr. Heywood R. Floyd


Totally wrong, both season 1 and season 2 I had to rewatch at least the first 4 episodes as I feel asleep or distracted or didnt like it, then I got hooked


I would watch the first 4 episode of the second season and then stop. Those 4 episodes are probably the peak of this show. I doubt it will ever get that good again.


Season 1 doesn't start until episode 4. You're better off just starting from there.


Nobody can tell you if you will think it's better in the future.

I will suggest though that if you gave it an honest try and still don't like it you probably won't. If you just watched a few episodes while texting or something then it's sort of silly to expect it to be "better" when you haven't actually watched it.

But here's a tip: If you truly don't like it, that's okay. You are not required to like it or anything else. Some people actually don't care for chocolate ice cream or pizza. Some people actually like mango ice cream and anchovies - the world is full of unique people who like what they like.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
