MovieChat Forums > Daredevil (2015) Discussion > It get more interesting?

It get more interesting?

I didn't want to ask if it gets better cuz I don't think it's bad. Just a little boring. I'm a huge fan of comic books and movies alike. I never read much of daredevil and have only seen the affleck movie which I'm sure we all agree sucks. Anyways I'm a few episodes into season one and I'm just finding myself having a hard time getting into it. So if I keep going will I not regret it? I know everyone had a right to their own opinion.


The first season is a snoozes fest. Vincent D'onofrio couldn't even save it. Just watch the first 4 episodes of the second season which is actually somewhat interesting. After that you can decide if electra bring the whole thing down. Spoilers "She Dose".


Hey thanks guys that's all I needed to hear. I loved Jessica Jones. Killgrave was such an awesome villin and stole the show. What about Luke Cage? I've heard alot of complaints about it and the trailer didn't captivate me at all



Luke Cage is very slow. Better than Daredevil Season 1 though. If you like Jessica Jones, there is a good chance you'll like it. I agree with the above poster, first 4 episodes of Daredevil season 2 is vastly superior, it goes off the rails a bit, but is still better than Season 1.




The pacing is not perfect. Marvel and Netflix are still learning how to pace a show when you aren't constrained by episode length, episode count in a season or even having to insert station breaks/commercial breaks.

Plenty of people found it a bit slow but I saw it more as "not rushed".

But yes, if you have any interest at all stick with it.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


I would agree I'm almost done with Season 1 and by all accounts I'm enjoying it but the pacing is a bit off.
I actually find that to be a common theme across most Netflix series with exception of Stranger Things to be honest. Episodes that are 55-60 mins in length feel like they could say the same thing in 40 mins.
Just because you are allowed more time per episode doesn't mean you necessarily need it.


Agree totally. Neflix seems to have some kind of problem in general with the pacing of its series. I'm not sure why that is. I thought maybe they are just trying to pad out the time of their series so that they have enough hours of content to keep subscribers with something to watch, and they don't have enough money to produce more series. Either that or its just the format, which doesn't incentivise the writers to set a high pace.

Whatever it is, it's a problem they need to fix.



Daredevil season 2 isn't as good as season 1, but it's still pretty good. Jon Bernthal is a standout. I'd continue watching it if I were you, but don't watch the second season if you didn't enjoy the first. Tbh I didn't like Jessica Jones much, I thought it had potential and Kilgrave was great, but there were clear flaws imo. However Luke Cage was brilliant, much better than the trailers made it look. I would 100% recommend Luke Cage.


Frankly the only thing that stands out of season 1 is Vincent D'onofrio. Its amazing that Daredevil/Matt Murdock is the least interesting thing about a show called Daredevil.


Season 2 is really boring just like Season 2. Maybe they will still have a audience left to watch Season 3 that might be made like a real Super Hero show.
