MovieChat Forums > Daredevil (2015) Discussion > Might should quit while they are ahead

Might should quit while they are ahead

Otherwise the character might could lose relevance. Not gonna diss the whole S2, but something definitely felt lost from S1, and i don't just mean the novelty that faded since the other series have done their things.

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Well, it's never a terrible idea to go out on a high note. That being said, Disney, Marvel, and Netflix are each individually known for dragging things out ad infinitum, so there's a 100% chance that we'll see Daredevil season 9 someday.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Agreed though I do think they have enough source material to keep things high quality for a while (though yeah, they'll test that theory).

S2 was a bit below S1 for me but I know plenty of people that liked it better than S1. I do think it was a bit rushed to get Punisher "out there" and see what folks thought. In hindsight, maybe they shouldn't have tried to weave that into the Elektra/Hand story line all in one season.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


One plus is that the seasons are about half a network season, so it won't go stale nearly as fast. I have so many friends who tell me to watch shows like Supernatural. 250 episodes of a narrative series? I don't think I could watch that even from my all-time favorite show. I crave variety too much.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Agreed - and they have the flexibility to go even shorter if they want to (Defenders, Sherlock etc.)

Soon enough I imagine the story idea itself will dictate how many episodes and at what lengths rather than some knee-jerk "must be a multiple of 13" thinking.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Good point, that's what the best networks are already doing. I mean you have shows like Game of Thrones that only do 10 episodes.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Yup. And HBO has much more freedom than "regular TV" does. Even some regular TV networks are cool doing over-runs from time to time and of course the "special 2-hr episode of ..." stuff has happened for decades - or more commonly "a special 1-hour episode of (insert sit com here) where (main character) learns a valuable lesson".

I think Netflix, without commercials and without a set start-end time, is at another level though - or could be. They're taking baby steps so far but I think they could eventually have "seasons" that are 7 episodes where some episodes are as short as 35 minutes while others in that short season are well over an hour etc. Whatever the story dictates. Same with scene breaks - without commercials you can have scenes as long as you want. There's no need for pacing or pre-commercial "hooks" to make sure people don't surf away.

The only concern is keeping the viewer watching that one episode and to a lesser extent making sure they watch the next episode. Netflix using that "next episode starts in 5, 4, 3, ..." bit is part of it too.

Anyway, just a lot more freedoms and essentially building off what HBO and other "pay TV" channels have started.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)
