Yup. And HBO has much more freedom than "regular TV" does. Even some regular TV networks are cool doing over-runs from time to time and of course the "special 2-hr episode of ..." stuff has happened for decades - or more commonly "a special 1-hour episode of (insert sit com here) where (main character) learns a valuable lesson".
I think Netflix, without commercials and without a set start-end time, is at another level though - or could be. They're taking baby steps so far but I think they could eventually have "seasons" that are 7 episodes where some episodes are as short as 35 minutes while others in that short season are well over an hour etc. Whatever the story dictates. Same with scene breaks - without commercials you can have scenes as long as you want. There's no need for pacing or pre-commercial "hooks" to make sure people don't surf away.
The only concern is keeping the viewer watching that one episode and to a lesser extent making sure they watch the next episode. Netflix using that "next episode starts in 5, 4, 3, ..." bit is part of it too.
Anyway, just a lot more freedoms and essentially building off what HBO and other "pay TV" channels have started.
Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)