Karen wants someone to keep her safe but also can't resist a bad boy (an over-simplification of course). Matt is both at the same time.
I also like to sink Kastle shippers (Karen / Frank Castle). Mostly because I don't see Frank Castle getting involved with another woman while still mourning the loss of his own family. Karen only got drawn to him because she was trying to convince herself that after killing James Wesley, she could still be a good person. She thought he only killed criminals to deal with his family's death. Then she witnessed his handiwork at the diner, and realized she'd been lying to herself about whether Frank was someone worthy of redemption. She desperately hoped that what she saw was wrong, but then he executed the Blacksmith in cold blood. In that moment, Karen realized that Frank was a sociopath - he would never be a normal person again and that he actually wanted to kill criminals without remorse.
There's also the fact that Karen first has gotten to know Matt as the lawyer so knows that part of him.