davos is asian in the comics. lol
im now in episode 10. when that wierd guy was reveled as davos i just loled. readings the immortl iron fist comics. davos is the son of lei kung the thunderer and IS NATIVE TO KUV LUN. thats everything about him. he grew up with orson randell and became a vilian because he was ashamed of the fact that orson who was an outsider has bested him in fighting time after time. making davos some white guy or latino or whatever he is is a slap to the fans of the charecter. further more. even the drunk guy who foght in the china wasent even asian despite trying to mimick an asian accent and suppose to be a chinese.
yes i was against those idiots who bitched cuz danny is a white guy but in this case i would back up the SJW's blindly. this is a shame. to take the few asican charecters and to race-wash them.