Jeri Hogarth

I remember in the comics Jerlyn Hogarth was a male and was Wendell Rand's lawyer. In the live action version she's female and she's mostly involved in the world of Jessica Jones. I wonder if they'll try to connect Jeri to world of Iron Fist as well?

I was thinking that maybe Jeri's father was Wendell Rand's lawyer. I'm not sure what age they are planning on making his parents on the show.


Hogarth is the worst adapted character in the MCU, only counting real characters that get story and development. Obviously a name only background character would be worse.
It's not just a gender change and a sexuality change. It's an entirely different character. They share a name and profession and unless she has a brother named Jerry and a dad with a stupid sense of humor, I don't want to see a Hogarth anywhere near here.

Stephen Dillane for Sinestro.


I don't want to see a Hogarth anywhere near here.

Uh oh!
I'm thinking she'll have a large part considering Hogarth importance in the comics.


Well we're all learning to swallow many bitter pills but unless the character was of supreme importance in the comics I don't think the cosmetic changes matter that much (I didn't read those particular ones) and you could tell just as easily the horrid breakup story if it was a heterosexual couple going through their ugly divorce and using Jessica and Kilgrave to make things worse for them. Since she just recruited Foggy into the firm and he's got both that history with Fisk (who swore revenge on the guys who put him away) and Daredevil, it's unlikely that one or both of them will not be involved in some way with numerous members of the Defenders, especially in their own individual series and not just in the ensemble series.

I think I know precisely what I mean when I say it's a shpadoinkle day!


Personally I'm pass ready for some crossovers!
Call me strange but I get a thrill when the supporting cast talking about the heroes to others.
Just love tension and build up.
When Claire told Foggy she knows (Luke Cage) and our Friend (Daredevil)


Hogarth is the worst adapted character in the MCU, only counting real characters that get story and development. Obviously a name only background character would be worse.
It's not just a gender change and a sexuality change. It's an entirely different character. They share a name and profession and unless she has a brother named Jerry and a dad with a stupid sense of humor, I don't want to see a Hogarth anywhere near here.

You didn't like her? I thought she was interesting. You don't see too many lesbian lawyers in these types of stories. She was also very complex as well but to each his own. In the comics, Jeryn Hogarth has a daughter but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


I found it easier to sympathize with Killgrave than her. I was actually pretty excited at the prospect of her death by multiple stabs.
But for the notion of her being the daughter, Brian Cox would be a good age/actor for her dad.

Stephen Dillane for Sinestro.


I don't know why people have such a difficulting understanding the difference between not liking a character as a person, and a weak character.

You are not supposed to like her. But her character was very interesting and complex. The character was well written. Just because you don't approve of the things a character does, does not mean it is a bad character.


I literally responded to a post that said "You don't like her." Then proceeded to explain why I didn't like her.
She's not that interesting though. She's just a cünt. Complex maybe, not interesting.

Stephen Dillane for Sinestro.


Agreed. I thought she was easily the worst thing about Jessica Jones, which is really saying something. I'd hate for her to be involved in Iron Fist after anticipating this series for so so long.


I thought she was easily the worst thing about Jessica Jones, which is really saying something.

LOL and I fully understand where you are coming from.
I still say we should hold final judgement.
The cast and characters were fine.
All blame rests with the writer and directors who didn't know or care about the source material and basically only had a social agenda on mind.
Remember this was group that gave us such gems as
"We don't even have oral sex anymore." LMFAO

What you should be extremely concerned about is a WRITER from Jessica Jones was hired for Iron Fist. 😨
Be afraid be very afraid.


Seriously? I need to pay more attention to the team behind these shows. I've been waiting to see Iron Fist since his official announcement for four years now, it'd be the worst if this was Jessica Jones level. This series may not have a Kilgrave to make the series watchable.


IIRC in an episode in Jessica Jones(1x10, 1,000 Cuts) Wendy mentioned that their honeymoon in Paris, she was constantly in the phone and my money that it's either Wendell or Rand talking business stuff and then Meachum taking over Rand Industries, she left and started establishing her own firm.

My theory goes that Rand Industries is her first career break and when she finds out that Danny Rand is back in NYC, she'll help him out regain his inheritance and all as sort of life debt.


Seriously? I need to pay more attention to the team behind these shows. I've been waiting to see Iron Fist since his official announcement for four years now, it'd be the worst if this was Jessica Jones level. This series may not have a Kilgrave to make the series watchable.

Jessica Jones is easily the best of the three shows. You should be happy if this is anywhere near that good, or as good as Season 1 of Daredevil.

If you dislike a quality product, that simply means you dislike a quality product.

Officially Canadian for 27 years. Never heard "aboot."


If you think she was even close to being the worst thing in the series, you must have been snoozing for at least half of the episodes.


All by far the worst characters in the series.


I kinda liked Malcom, I thought the actor who played him was great. I completely forgot about Robyn though, she was an abomination.


Malcolm was interesting up until he got clean. Not that I didn't want to see him shake the drug habit, because I did, but after that, he had nothing to do. The writers seemed to struggle to find reasons why he would show up in every episode for the rest of the season.

Robyn had a similar problem. Being the weird neighbor form upstairs was fine, but things got awkward when she started playing a large role in the story and her sudden "let's kill Jessica" turn was forced.

I think Jessica Jones suffered from reaching its climax too early and being forced to coast for about 3-4 episodes until they got to the last episode. There wasn't a lot of material there, so we kept seeing Killgrave get captured, escape, get captured again, then someone would do something weird and random to keep certain characters in the story. If it was an 8 episode miniseries, or if it had more of a slow burn at the beginning, it'd be a much better show.


I think Jessica Jones suffered from reaching its climax too early

After Kilgrave escaped the van in show 5, I thought watch out but nothing happened.
I really think the script was rushed like maybe over a weekend. I'm not joking.
The raw material was their but needed many more revisions.
Also I suspect the story changed from it's original idea.
In the first episode Jessica was clearly spying on Luke and had a detailed file on him. But later it was just for no reason or maybe guilt? WTF???
There was subplot that was never allowed to developed.
Hope season 2 is much better.
