Good One

Very much inspired by Texas Chainsaw, I thought. I liked the makeup and alot of the creepy set stuff, it reminded me of the second Texas Chainsaw movie with the underground caves.

The kills were pretty good. I thought it was worth the watch.


I thought the movie itself was pretty weak, acting was awful

But the gore was great, deaths were great, and some scenes were really great.

I'd agree, as long as your not taking the acting and plot too seriously, and just wanna see some good horse, it's worth a watch.


This was an odd one, for some reason I fell asleep twice before getting halfway through, but made one final effort to watch because I had to see Nathan Jones's Charlie character(saw him yesterday in Mad Max) and I'd read that the kills were especially good.

So yea after 60 minutes of blah, it got very good. Loved the set, the underground lair of past victims ect. all very TCM inspired, but to make a good horror film you need to hire better actors(definitely NOT Tara Reid) and not have 60 minutes of fluff before the killer shows up.

Donkey's death was worth the watch though imo, great that they had a plan when they named his character. I can't say he didn't deserve it either, you can't go bringing a meat sword to a knife fight expecting anything less.


Why did he not kill Tara Reid straight away.? At first I thought..oh she's blonde and reminds him of his mother...then I,even being that retarded wouldn't make you think old anorexic Tara Reid looks like that mother
