Masterbating on mothers sheets?
This is when the documentary really just disappointed me. I've had sleep paralysis with hallucinations since I was a kid and never have I experienced what the weird bearded guy was describing. He legitimately sounded crazy and off his rocker, as did the guy Chris. Now I've seen, felt, and heard some CRAZY things during sp, but never have I been tickled by static tv aliens or chastised by an old man for jacking off on mom's sheets? Wtf was that? Most everyone else's experience was very familiar to me though. I was looking forward to sharing this film with some good friends of mine who I have shared my own experiences with SP, but now after seeing this crap about the masterbating sheet guy, the film and I will be the laughing stock on that movie night, no thanks. It seems Ascher should have done a bit more research on SP and decided to grab some looney toons that probably have some serious issues beyond sleep paralysis.