MovieChat Forums > The Nightmare (2015) Discussion > Scared of catching sleep paralysis.

Scared of catching sleep paralysis.

Just saw this on Netflix. One of the people were explaining how he told a friend about it, and then the next day she experienced it.

After watching this, now I fear I WILL ALSO contract it. He even compared it to an STD- Sleep transmitted disease.

I have never experienced sleep paralysis.

But now I won't let myself fall asleep.

I don't want to experience it, and actually wish I never watched this.

Anyone going through the same thing? I really regret watching this one. I just want to fall asleep, but all I can think about are those awful images.



It's an interesting experience. The rational part of my brain tells me there's a scientific reason behind it, but the other part of my brain simply doesn't know what to make of it. This happens to me regularly. My last episode happened 5 days ago, and I imagine it's going to happen again sometime in the future. My experiences range from moderate to terrifying.

The documentary took advantage of this phenomena and extracted as much horrifying images as it could. Those dark images in the documentary are terrifying! They wanted to scare you and to inform you. It felt like watching a really scary movie. When it's happening, though, it's simply you, a bed and a dark room. You take it as it comes. My worst experience involved rape. I was lying on my stomach, and hours into my sleep I gain consciousness, but I also gain paralysis. I felt something get on top of me, and I say something because I felt the weight of it on top of me. I then felt a phallic object in between my legs. It was terrible. The entire thing lasted maybe 25 seconds. I don't know what to make of it. I don't open my eyes when it happens so I rarely see any entities.

This doesn't happen to a lot of people. There's minority and it was interesting to hear these people's experiences. Some of their stories involved auditory and visual stimuli. I've never heard any sounds come out of these spirits, entities or whatever they are. Sleep paralysis has become a huge part of my life to the point that it's almost a norm. When it's happening, my thoughts are: Okay, it'll be over soon. It usually is, and even though it's gone I know it'll happen again. It always does.

"I wish I wasn't afraid all the time, but I am."
-V for Vendetta


Saw it on Netflix too, and right at that part I thought "Damn, will I have it tonight?", I mean its only normal to think about it and that is exactly the reason why the director included that part, he wanted you to see the movie and think that you may have contracted the "disease". It's a clever way to plant that seed on your mind.
I had nightmares that night, some of them related to paralysis and the documentary, but did not have the sleep paralysis thank god.
I might add that, I have suffer from Sleep Paralysis before, not often but I had. I've never had the paranormal experience that this documentary speaks about, that's why I believe is something related strictly to the brain-body connection. It's a horrible feeling that is why people associates it with bad stuff, demons and ghosts.
I'm 40 years old now, I will say you would have to suffer this experience from a very young age, I don't think it will show as you grow old.


Just keep your mind busy with things you like and don't worry about it


It's been about 2 weeks and haven't experienced it yet. Still wary about this whole situation.



Scared this on Netlix, as well and it scared the sh!t out of me. Took me forever to fall asleep. Like you, I'm also worried I might experience it sometime.

Respect what you have 🌌


I have read about sleep paralysis a long time ago. And I have been reading a lot of crazy paranormal stuff, watching movies, scary documentaries, visiting the nopeville on my screens. But never so far have I experienced something paranormal. I am a sucker for UFOs yet I have never seen any even if I'd wish to. So, maybe it doesn't happen to some people, it's like my brain somehow doesn't allow the experience to those things, while many other people have these experiences all the time. So, I don't think it will happen to me after I have watched this movie, although it was quite scary at times and I will feel a bit dreadful going to bed.


The movie definitely did a good job of putting fear in peoples mind. You have to distract yourself. The reason people get it after hearing about it is because they obsess over it. You'll be fine. It's the same phycology behind calming yourself down while your sick enough to not throw up. The mind and fear are very powerful. Just don't think about it. Undoubtedly, you will start to move on to being scared about something else in the future. Look at it this way: A person who doesn't believe in ghosts will most likely never see a ghost, while a strong believer will see them a lot. That's because the non-believer will rationalize and always tells themselves they dont exist. On of my roommates freshman year was a Pagen and had some crazy story with his friends that they where being haunted. I was once making dinner and they were sitting talking and suddenly started to scream that "she" was here. they pointed to the wall. There was absolutely nothing there. I am a spiritual person btw and saw ghosts when I was younger. Trust me- NOTHING WAS THERE. They pointed to dirt on the wall that was there since the beginning of the year. But it goes to show that if you truly believe, the power of suggestion can take over.


Try mindfulness meditation. Notice none of the people interviewed mention it. Great for stress management.


I think you will be okay. Even if it does happen (not saying it will).

I've had it on and off as long as I can remember; it's not pleasant, but it was never quite as awful as what the movie showed or as long-lasting or as consistent. I've talked to other people who had similar experiences that weren't as bad as those depicted in the film. Also it's gotten better over the years rather than worse.

I think the movie-makers picked the worst cases available to them.

Again, not saying you will experience it, but if you do you needn't assume you are going to end up on some progressively horrific path.
