MovieChat Forums > The Nightmare (2015) Discussion > sleep disorder and religion??!

sleep disorder and religion??!

are you kidding me??
why the f... is this a documentary?
there.s nothing even close to a scientific whatsoever.
even worse: they try to explain sleep paralysis with demons, which disappear with "jesus".
the speedy-guy, who have this every night? right...but: good for the movie...

my boyfriend is one of the "lucky" ones. he found out, that the most important thing to avoid is vitamin b6.
also, don.t eat much before you go to sleep.

ja. this is a nice horrormovie for the people who are affected, which don.t like horrormovies at all...surprise.

waste of time, and they shove you the penis of religion right into your throat.


A documentary need not be scientific or educational. A documentary is simply a non-fiction movie. I agree with you that having a neurologist or a sleep disorder expert explain what little they know of the phenomenon would have added to the film. But pointing this as a flaw in the documentary, because documentaries are supposed to be scientific, is just misinformed. If you want to watch educative documentaries, watch discovery channel. Wait, watch discovery channel in the 90's.

Furthermore, the christianity part was the opinion of ONE of the eight individuals interviewed. You know, individuals entitled to have a personal opinion...


Well, i.m a little bit drunk now...yay for me.
And yeah, you are right, it does not have to be scienific or educational...for me it.s just "wunschdenken". BUT! nonetheless, maybe we can agree on this: the spooky/shocker-stuff
has nothing to do in a "non-fiction movie".

And not to dissapoint you, but discovery channel may have documentaries,
but oh-so-cheap. Can.t watch it because every 5 to 10 minutes there is a big "DAM DAM DAAAAAAM"

I prefer BBC. David Attenborough is just the veryvery Best.

But i think i can write whatever i want, because "You know, individuals entitled to have a personal opinion..."



What a lovely day


Good grief. You obviously weren't paying any kind of attention if all you saw was religion being shoved down your throat, WHICH IT WAS NOT. These people were talking about their personal experiences with sleep paralysis and what helped them. For some, it was religion, for others it was other things. Perhaps if you weren't so anti-religion, you wouldn't be so easily offended by the slightest mention of it. I'm not even a religious person and I didn't get completely bent out of shape over it. I have this same condition and religion is not how I choose to deal with it, but I can understand those who do use it. We all have our ways of dealing with it and knowing what works best. BTW, you need to learn that what works for you boyfriend doesn't work for everyone. There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to this because as one of the people in the documentary mentioned, it's not very well studied so they don't really have much in the way of treatment for it. Even when I went to a doctor and told them about it, they told me they had to go read about it and learn what it was. SMH. You also need to familiarize yourself with what a documentary is and what it can be because you clearly don't know. Maybe know what you are talking about at least, before launching into some silly tirade about nothing.


wow. self-righteous much?! right, i.m anti-religion. and right with the "documentary"thingi, but i corrected myself, aaand pointed the fictional shocker elements out, wich - for me - don.t
belong in a d o c u m e n t a r y .

also, i never said that the dealing my boyfriend found is right for him is the almighty solution for everybody.
i just wanted to tell it, because i know how much it sucks to have a condition not even doctors are familiar with.
and if you want to get rid of it without praying you ass off, you may want to try everything in order not fearing to go to sleep.

aaand, yes. i was paying attention, although it hurt. noticed that the description of the guy with the "alien-people" didn.t fit the image they projected. he said they were "almost comical" (if i remember it right...), but the figures were hideous and spooky.
another thing that bothered me...

but who am i to state my opinion on a platform which was made for exactly that reason, right?!


Do you not know what an apostrophe is or how to use it?

Respect what you have 🌌


yep. it.s something to use to make smartasses ask such unnecessary questions.


...To give you a reason to post unnecessary responses, right?

The apostrophe is right next to the Enter key. Good luck.

Respect what you have 🌌


well, i was thaught that even the most stupid question deserves an answer...
but if you like to talk about unrelated things just because bored or
need attention...feel free to join facebook.


It's not a stupid question. If you're an adult, you should know how to use an apostrophe.

Respect what you have 🌌


well, the fact that i don.t use it as you want me to use it doesn.t mean that i don.t know how to use it.
another fact is that maybe, but only maybe, i.m a lazy bastard.
but who the *beep* cares?
so...if it annoys you so much i suggest you pour yourself a nice glass of red wine and take
a long, hot bath and never ever open that thread again.


Too lazy to put an apostrophe but not lazy enough to put a period in it's place?

Right 

Respect what you have 🌌


i.m using the touch system. if using it too, try it. ;)
always had my problems with the 'shift'+whatever buttons. always needed to look down on the keyboard. the period is so much closer...


Ahh, I see. I'm using the laptop, so...I see the difference.

Respect what you have 🌌


na bitte. happily ever after. ;)


Same to you 

Respect what you have 🌌


Too lazy to put an apostrophe but not lazy enough to put a period in it's place?



Hope changes everything.


I m not religious,but when this thing happens and you wake up paralysed, sometimes it is the only thing you can do to say a prayer that you remember as a kid because it can be *beep* terrifying. Unless you have experienced sleep paralysis you can not really comment about why people choose to do whatever they feel like can save them from this thing.


I have had incidents of sleep paralysis and it usually happened after I had either taken pain killers with codeine or had alcohol. Maybe having mind altering substances in my system triggered a mind altered experience or maybe my sinful acts have allowed demonic presences to get closer to me. I don't know and I also don't know why the girl who became a Christian through her traumatic experience was "cured" by Christian words. Maybe demons genuinely fear the name of Christ or maybe she was fighting personal demons and finally came to terms with her desire to change. It doesn't matter and it doesn't mean the film was flogging Christianity. She believes it was the former but the viewer can believe what they like. The bottom line is she found a way to rid them. Why is still up for discussion.


very nice respond. :)


Thank you first of all. Always nice to hear a compliment.

I wanted to comment that since posting and reading your comment I had many other incidents of SP. I am on some pretty heavy duty pain killers for legitimate medical reasons but I have also been contemplating death due to my sickness. Well, my husband has been telling me that I am gibbering nonsense all night, but in one particular dream I was trying to get away from a gremlin type demon like the things from the remake of "Don't be Afraid of the Dark". It was getting closer and closer to the side of my head in bed so I tried "In the Name of Jes..." that' when my husband shook me awake.


I figure if you believe that demons would be frightened away by Jesus' name, then when you have a nightmare about demons, saying Jesus' name will frighten them away. If you believe demons are afraid of Thor's name, when you have a nightmare about demons and you say Thor's name, then the demons will get frightened away. These are all culturally imprinted on us by way of socialization. The fact that this movie was made in two countries that are primarily Christian (the US and UK) means that the imagery and mythos used were Christian. If they made a similar movie in India, the mythos would be Hindu. If it were made in the Middle East, it would be Muslim. And so on.


well, you are totally right. can.t say anything against it.
buuut still don.t endorse it. ;)


That was the personal experience of one of the participants in this doc. I've had several sleep paralysis episodes from the time I was a kid up to my current age of 42. Each and every episode involved demons (in my dreams). Very vivid, colorful, intense details which always involve demons chasing me, sometimes rising out of an ocean. In fact, those dreams I have had under all of my SP episodes would make for a pretty decent horror movie lol.

The beauty is I'm learning how to face my beast ~ Blue October


i know, it.s a p e r s o n a l experience.
and i.m sorry for you and the sleepless nights you had/will have.
don.t know if much of a horrormovie-lover, but all in all i
just can say, that this was - for me, my very own - a very *beep* documentary.
and i watched a lot of horror movies and a lot of documentaries...
didn.t come close to a good one...neither the spooky genre nor the other.


You have a serious personality dysfunction. Your intolerance of other people's beliefs has left you bankrupt on the inside.


oh my, you know me so well.
god? is that you??


Anyone that overreacts like you did to one comment in one scene in an hour and a half production is dealing with some serious issues.


you know how this thing called internet works, right?
i wouldn.t call anyone in a car, yelling and raving at another car, because in their
opinion doing something completely idiotic, the things you try to convince me i am.
or maybe you are a demon? or god after all? how about a monk? monkey?


For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


haha first i read 'Carinthia', which is a country in austria.
would made so much more sense than anything in this sentence you posted, because this is actually true/a fact/provable...
