MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > An endless supply of tattooed muscle-bou...

An endless supply of tattooed muscle-bound bearded para-military guys willing to die to mutants?

Where do these guys come from? They are willing to fight for obviously evil people, keep their mouth shut, go after kids, die within seconds with their useless guns, and yet the villain can't get enough trucks and pick-ups to move this army of bearded mutant chasing idiots all over the US.

This movie is a good recent example, but these same generic para-military guys appear in so many movies nowadays.


They're re-spawning at the checkpoint




It's just a fantasy.


Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.


LMAO. Yes. This crap keeps me from enjoying movies. At least in the 80s they made sure to explain how people were brainwashed believers in whatever the hell. This movie was terrible. Faceless villain army is angry because and stuff.



I've thought about this too, and I figure that if you're a good crime lord, you've been successful breeding fear into your goons. If you were to disobey, you'd likely be killed/tortured/maimed (or the same done to your family) by the other goons who are also too afraid to disobey.

The only way out would be to rally all the goons and agree to disobey together. I can see this being extremely difficult, because goons may be too afraid to join forces (or not want to) and one will likely tattle on you, at which point you end up dead/tortured/maimed. It's a vicious circle, I'd imagine.


Goons are always followers. They don't have the capacity to think for themselves other than to feel invincible because of their strength or group strength mentality.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I've come to realize that over the years, it means they fired the guy who screwed up. However, when you're a criminal, you can't exactly leave the organization that easily. It's fairly certain the person may end up in other criminal activities and get arrested for it. Cops LOVE to fish and see if you have anything to snitch about. You run the risk of that person who left your organization doing just that to you and bringing you down. They really have no choice.

Most of the time, I think they just make the body disappear. Small time gangbangers just kill the person on the street and leave it.


It's completely unrealistic, I'm from Colombia and studied History in university, during my classes I encountered countless testimonies of goons that used to work for Pablo Escobar during the Medellin Cartel era and all agreed that Pablo treated them like family, he took care of their respective families economically and always gave them the best personal treat, he didn't do that because he was a concerned for them but he was smart enough to know that his and his family's life were in the hands of these people, and it worked! Pablo's closest men literally gave their lives to protect him. I suppose that serves as an example for other crime lords in the rest of the world. But of course that narrative doesn't work in SOME movies since the bad guy needs to be 100% bad, otherwise the audience might develop empathy towards the character you're supposed to hate.


Thanks for input! Thats what I always thought too. It's only in the movies (and possibly in the most desperate and primitive environments) that the boss shoots his lieutenants left right and center for the smallest mistake, treats them like shit etc. and still have them throwing themselves at the enemy for him.


Yeah, most of the times it's to show just how crazy a villain is. One of my favorites was seeing the Joker do it to his right hand man in Batman (89).

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


There are a few times when he would have to kill you. If you screwed up so badly they don't want you in the organization anymore, they have to kill you or else you're going to talk.


I encountered countless testimonies of goons that used to work for Pablo Escobar during the Medellin Cartel era and all agreed that Pablo treated them like family, he took care of their respective families economically and always gave them the best personal treat, he didn't do that because he was a concerned for them but he was smart enough to know that his and his family's life were in the hands of these people, and it worked!

Right... but that was Escobar. There are plenty of other horror stories from other goons as well. Escobar may have treated his men like family, but that doesn't really speak for all the other crime bosses out there.


Private militaries exist and they have a lot of man power.
Academi AKA Black Water for example. Here is an image of an actual member on deployment( He looks almost exactly like the goons in this film.


Yes, but these guys work for money and little or calculated risk.

The guys in Logan die like flies. After the very first action scene where the girl killed a dozen of them, I doubt the rest would still be on board.


They work for LOTS of money and take extreme risks, including personal body guards for HVTs in warzones.


These guys are working cushy jobs and are not really looking for serious combat. Their presence alone is meant to deter criminals or terrorists. Funny thing is, many outfits were hiring garbagemen and other guys who were never in the military to work as mercs just to get enough warm bodies to fill the contract. Some did encounter SERIOUS resistance and pretty much ended up dead during missions. But that's the risk.

If anyone had to go after Wolverine, Laura and a bunch of mutant kids, they'd have their shit together for certain. We're talking attack helicopters, drones, snipers, artillery, etc.


I felt this aspect of the movie was kind of flawed. They were fighting these mutant kids but couldn't even control them. You would think they would have been better prepared. In the real world, mutants would not be second-class citizens, they would be gods. They would be highly paid mercs, not these clowns.

These are some incredibly dangerous people you're dealing with here. The fact that these mercs didn't seem to realize they were facing certain death fighting Wolverine and Laura is a bit crazy. I would have to imagine a team of Rangers, SEALS, Marines or Delta Force would have a smarter battle plan than the guys in this film.


These are some incredibly dangerous people you're dealing with here. The fact that these mercs didn't seem to realize they were facing certain death fighting Wolverine and Laura is a bit crazy.

Not at all. You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. Remember that Pierce told them NOT to harm Laura, otherwise they were ready to unload lead into her and detain her, or kill her if possible.

Also, if it wasn't for Wolverine helping them in the woods at the end, remember that they were doing an okay job of subduing some of the kids. The only one they had trouble with was Laura, for obvious reasons, which is why they had X-24.

Technically they weren't bad at their jobs, it was just that they were dealing with one of the most dangerous situations imaginable. And again, had Logan not showed up at the hotel, they had once again managed to nearly subdue the Professor and X-23.


The X-Men movies probably have the best showings for these sort of goons, though (at least compared to most movies). In X-2 and X-3, government agents captured or de-powered a lot of mutants. In Days of Future Past, it's explained that a lot of mutants from First Class died while in Vietnam, including Banshee and Emma Frost apparently.

The goons in Wolverine's movies don't have as much luck, but I'm guessing they like their chances.


I agree. It hurts suspension of disbelief. I know exactly why they do this: they want lots of cool chase scenes and fight scenes, and they need lots of disposable villains for this. But it's too over the top, and as I said, it hurts suspension of disbelief. This movie is by no means the only offender in this regard. The Netflix Marvel TV series, while pretty good overall, have this exact same problem: NONE of the bad guys ever run. Not one. Ever.


There's a scene in the Luke Cage series where the titular hero steamrolls through a gang hideout, while listening to Wu-Tang Clan on his Ipod (why do film makers think it makes a hero more badass to listen to a personal soundtrack while fighting? They did it with Jessica Biel in the third blade movie, and they had the hero do it in that cheesy '80s action movie "Iron Eagle"). In this scene, these thugs just watch Luke Cage, who is bulletproof and super strong, tear through their club house like the fucking Terminator, they can't so much as put a scratch on him. And they ALL keep coming?


DOZENS of these idiots keep right on advancing, guns blazing. Every one of them's got this "I'ma fuck you up!" expression on his face too. They've watched him literally tear through the structure of their building with bare hands; they've watched soak up bullets to NO effect, but not ONE of these assholes sees all this, realizes that little "nine" in his hand might as well be a squirt gun, and says "hey, I just remembered somewhere I gotta be!"

Yeah, I don't think so. It was the same with Daredevil, when he tore through a biker gang headquarters after the Punisher blew up some of their bikes. He's not bulletproof, but again, DOZENS of bad guys, they see him put one after another after another after another of their buddies down with injuries that will leave them in intensive care, and again, not ONE of them ever says "fuck this! I'm outta here!" It's too much.


Yeah, I don't think so. It was the same with Daredevil, when he tore through a biker gang headquarters after the Punisher blew up some of their bikes. He's not bulletproof, but again, DOZENS of bad guys, they see him put one after another after another after another of their buddies down with injuries that will leave them in intensive care, and again, not ONE of them ever says "fuck this! I'm outta here!" It's too much.

Did you not catch the part where the biker gang actually did a pretty good job of beating the living crap out of Daredevil and it was only because of the body armor did he survive the beating? He also only barely survived that hallway fight with the Russian thugs, fighting just over a handful of guys. If anything, when you see a guy nearly getting his butt beat and on the verge of losing, why would you say "I'm outta here?"

Your Luke Cage example is a lot more legit, though. You see someone go Terminator on your friends and you "nope" right on out of there.

As for Logan... I was kind of forgiving because you have to admit that the mercs weren't doing that bad of a job taking down Logan. The biggest wildcard was Laura. But at the end **spoilers*** they really did beat him, with the help of X-24. So it wasn't like their bravado was employed in vain.


Don't get me started on Daredevil. It lost me at "too many ninjas", halfway through season 2.


It's a comic book movie. End of story.
