Logan has effectively ruined Days of Future Past
Days of Future Past is my favourite X-Men movie...and it's just been ruined. It's really sad because I actually really enjoyed Logan...but this movie has come at a cost for me. It's the truth... Allow me to explain my reasoning.
First of all, it's clear to me (for various reasons I won't get into now) that this movie is absolutely set in the alternate/good future seen at the end of Days of Future Past (around 6 years or so after that ending scene). Due to Charles' seizure the X-Men were practically destroyed (the Westchester Incident, as it's called)...this proves that Hank was right in Days of Future Past. The future cannot be changed. It seems as though mutants are simply destined to be destroyed and wiped out, and nothing can change that. Because Logan succeeded in Days of Future Past, the future was (temporarily) changed...but it just couldn't last. It's almost as though fate itself has got a mind in this franchise. Charles accidentally wiping out the X-Men along with God knows how many more mutants is essentially the current correcting itself (as Hank put it).
Now, if this was always the message behind the whole franchise (that the future cannot be changed), then I would be more accepting. BUT, it's clear to me that this is clearly two different forces combating against each other. Singer wants the future to be bright for mutant kind, while Mangold wants a future of hardship for the mutants. The problem is, this clashes with the WHOLE message of Days of Future Past. The very last lines were, 'for the future is never truly set'. Well, apparently it is. Mutants are screwed however you look at it...
I started to get a bit worried last year, actually, with X-Men Apocalypse (where Singer shot himself in the foot), when we saw that Wolverine did indeed end up becoming weapon X, therefore ruining the very last scene of Days of Future Past (where Mystique saves him from Stryker). That's when I started to worry about Logan, as I realised that the ultimately happy ending of Days of Future Past was becoming under threat.
I'm sorry for this lengthy post, but I'm quite frankly annoyed. As much as I enjoyed Logan...it has ruined Days of Future Past for me...