White Dress Ironic

Since a few people seem to think this movie was rich with symbolism and metaphors (which I don't) then I think it was very ironic she wore white considering she got knocked up pre-maritally. Or was that part of the symbolism as well?


I think people are looking at this as some kind of political pro-life film when there was never any real indication to believe so.


Of course, it is symbolism/metaphor. White is a symbol of innocence, but only idiot "Christians" think young girls lose ALL innocence just because they become sexually active--or that they'll remain innocent somehow if they don't. It could be a symbol for sexual purity too and in that case, yeah, maybe it's meant to be ironic.

But people are confusing symbolism/metaphor with some kind of simplistic pro-life message. The pro-life people, by and large, are types that take EVERYTHING in the Bible completely literally. They're not going to conceal their message in any kind of sophisticated metaphor and symbolism when they can just beat you over the head with it.

But the fact that this movie may use symbolism in a more sophisticated way than many "Christians" do or might use it ironically, doesn't prove the movie isn't rich with symbolism. Quite the opposite.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


Actually white isn't a symbol of virtue it's a symbol of wealth. See back in the old days only the rich could afford to wear white because it was a hard color to keep clean. So it was about a rich staus. I think what does it more for virtue is the angel wings.
