
Mine were pretty high. Hearing about this film for months and then finally getting to see it, well, I was excited and also anxious. How many times have we all been hyped to see something and then disappointed as the move\show did not live up to our expectations?

With that in mind I cannot say this was a bad film or poorly done. Contrary, it was a good film and well done. I figured going in there was something off about the corpse otherwise why make a film about it! I was expecting a vampire. I was also expecting it to get up and walk out of the morgue! That then, really, was my only source of disappointment.




Like all the traditional supernatural creatures, witches have been in and out of movie style for decades. So with the success of "The Witch" and now this one (though the witch angle was not revealed until deep in the movie - and again the movies got Salem MA wrong. I lived in the next town over and no one was ever burned at the stake. All the women were hung and one man pressed to death with stones. And I do not believe there were any peat bogs in the area back then. None now!)

Hollywood burned out vampires, ghosts have been over done too, and werewolves with rare exception ("Ginger Snaps" and "Dog Soldiers come to mind) have not been done very well in recent years. So sure... bring on the witches! I read a remake of "The Craft" is in the works.
