Hoping for a Christian Bale cameo
Like, Stewart and Holt are totally about to do the nasty (the romantic kind, with all kinds of candles and apple cider 'n $#!+) and KStew is all, "But wait, no. We can't because we don't have emotions and I'm not feeling anything, you know?" And he's all, "Yeah. I know, right?" And from off camera, we hear a voice, "You know...wrong." And BOOM! In walks Bale, or Preston or whatever his name is and after about 4 minutes of gun-kata with someone (Like a burglar, house cat, or a drifter) he gives them the lesson about what they gotta do and whie they gotta do it and then tells them not to take the emotion pills or injections or whatever they're doing in the future and when they decide to get it on, Christian Bale goes into the kitchen to make a pastrami sandwich or something.
"We've got a date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."