MovieChat Forums > Equals (2016) Discussion > dystopian future won't be like this

dystopian future won't be like this

Authors from the 50s-70s envisioned this kind of dystopian future, a society of uniformed individuals, where everything looks sterilized and people follow strict laws that have been accepted as the norm and freedom is forbidden. The real dystopian future is now, and it looks nothing like this, it's the opposite. We are given the illusion of freedom, we're not forced to dress in white pyjamas, we have Kanye West clothesline, Trump ties, Nike, Reebok etc and that's considered freedom of choice. We can choose our president but not who runs as a candidate. That's different from the soviet like future these movies are trying to warn us about, I feel like it's doing the reverse work, people would feel like freedom is great after watching this stupid movie when they don't even know what freedom is!


You have not a clue as to what 100 years into the future could be like, you only have an opinion like the rest of us.

I think our future could be even worse than just a society that suppresses emotions


Singapore's kind of like this, lol.

'No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.'


Yeah I think Idiocracy is the most realistic dystopian movie. Sadly.


You're making the mistake of assuming continuity of social order between now and the future. One of the key points in most movies of this type is that there was some kind of major upheaval, oftentimes a war or natural disaster, that paves the way for a fringe group to take power and remake society in a form radically different than what we're familiar with now. It's a process that played itself out many times over the course of the 20th century and continues to do so today. During times of uncertainty and strife, when the credibility of those who maintain the status quo hits a low point, people are often willing to turn to alternatives they wouldn't normally give much attention to.


Their scenario looks way too much like a regression rather than something in the future. To allow this to happen these people didn't know anything about totalitarian regimes of the XXTh century. Yet the technology is very advanced, so there is no possibility that civilization was destroyed and rebuilt from scratch to end up like this. It's just a very lazy script.


You're giving too much credit to people in general but especially hardheaded ideologues. There's no shortage of debunked political, philosophical, and religious thinking in the world that nonetheless continues to attract followers. How many societies have to go through the repression, violence, and poverty that comes with the rise of Marxist-Lenninist regimes before communism is debunked? Many more, it would seem, because there are still millions of people in the world who think they can do it "the right way". And that's really the key. People are dogmatically convinced of the rightness of their ideas, and will find any excuse to justify trying to turn them into a reality, no matter how miserable their track record is.

And to your other point, war has always been one of history's greatest drivers of technological progress, not something that destroys knowledge.
