An emotionless role?
Looks like Kristen Stewart was finally perfectly cast.
shareWhat do you expect? It's Hollywood. Real talent is extremely rare, so they have to fill the ranks with hacks like her.
shareI keep reading statements suggesting that Kristen Stewart is incapable of expressing emotions and that is why is perfect to play Nia. Personally, I find it amusing. In her interviews she is all about emotions, she is pretty honest, raw, alive and there is so much to read from her facial expressions and eyes. You just need to look. Emotions like irritation, anger, shame, intimidation, attraction etc., which people often try to hide from the media are all over her face and body language. I think she is perfect for acting, because it is easy to see what she feels. On top of this quality, her principal is to be natural, truthful, which i think is fundamental for acting.
What concerns her performance in Equals, Kristen Stewart showed in my opinion so many emotions. The culmination for me was the nock on the door. At this moment and what followed Kristen's face revealed pain, desperation, love, craziness, anger, strength and weakness, all at the same time. I can not even imagine how many feelings she had to recall from her own experience and relieve in this very moment to be able to show all of them on her face in one second. That is what i call performance and good acting, being natural and being able to feel and show so much. The impact of this scene on me was tremendous. I definitely had goosebumps going through my whole body. And about the other moments in Equals, I think it is a challenge to play somebody who is supposed to feel so much and yet not be allowed to show. It is a state where you conceal, are afraid, are stressed, but yet so in love. There are feelings to show, it is more complex, and I think that playing such moments goes way beyond staying still and not showing any feelings. For me she and Nicholas Hoult did a superb job portraying these feelings. I could totally observe that they feel a lot and at the same time feel their struggle in hiding it.
What concerns her performance in Equals, Kristen Stewart showed in my opinion so many emotions.
Well, i think that everybody sees different things in movies, actors performance, in art if you will so. For me, the whole point of art is to trigger emotions, feelings, and thoughts and these can be differerent even when the same person watches the same movie, maybe at different points of time, maybe with different people, or just repeatedly. It is like reading the same book several times and finding new or different things about the characters, eventually about yourself. So i like those movies which have several layers and allow for different perspectives, can lead you to many interpretations, many thoughts and emotions. For me Equals is such a movie, it escalates at the emotion level and at the same time allows for reading between the lines on whatever your mind deems important at the moment. For example, making parallels to other situations, where people end up hiding their love, emotions and feelings. It does not have to be about love, it can be disappointment about your work etc. The movie makes me think about the current political, social, and cultural developments, which often encourage rational calcilus and put emotions and feelings in a shadow etc. For me Kristen Stewarts performance in this movie and in other of her indie movies is also set on many layers, exactly because she is as raw, natural and emotional in her acting as in her real life (as far as i can observe from her interviews of course). I dont know, i just can read many things from her and Nicholas Hoult's characters in equals and feel along, which makes their performance for me supurb and a pleasure to watch many times.
sharebecause it is easy to see what she feels.
No it is not an emotionless role, it is the opposite. She is one of the few people dealing with emotions in this "emotionless utopia". Her performance was incredibly moving and not a lot of actors have the ability to portray those intense emotions Nia went thruogh. Kristen was perfectly cast because of this ability. She stole the show. I found nicholas hoults performance bleak in comparison but he did okay.
Plainly, you have not seen the film. This is anything BUT an emotionless role.