MovieChat Forums > Power (2014) Discussion > The most hated child on television..

The most hated child on television..

1. Tariq (now..)
2. Carl (season 3-4)
3. Walter White Jr. (his entire existence)

I can not believe I hate Tariq more than Carl from The Walking Dead :(

Ever hear of "Stranger Danger"?!! Like, what tf is wrong with this kid. He's a liability, and he needs to go. Now. And Kanaan aka Slim aka 2quarters is a horrendous actor. It's so creepy seeing him interact with this child .. I know it's a show but ewhh.


Dana Brody of Homeland has to be at least top 3, if not #1. Tariq shares with here the ever present sour face (among other similarities).


Yes Jumbo, yes!
You cannot have a thread like this without Dana Brody being on it.

Tariq is giving Dana strong competition for the number-1 spot but Dana still rules.
Tariq hasn't had as many hate treads as Dana yet and his self-contained storyline hasn't brought the whole show down yet, but everything does come to a screeching halt when he's on screen.


--Connor: Ray Donovan
--Original Red Head Michael: General Hospital (his resemblance to Chucky the doll didn't help either)


And Bridget from Ray Donovan and Debbie from Shameless


Absolutely Debbie from Shameless. She puts all the rest of these pikers to . . . ahem, shame.



His foundation lies in the holy mountains. Selah.


AJ from the Sopranos
Matt McNamara from Nip/Tuck

Move along! There's nothing to see here.


Matt from Nip/Tuck was the worst!


I'd say Zack from The Strain. I hate saying this, but that kid has an extremely punchable face. He's always got this constipated look.


This! After Zack from the Strain, the rest of all are choir boys. he is, by far, the worst


Grace - Nurse Jackie


Yes, Tariq's facial expression (or lack thereof) irks the F&*% out of me. Every scene he is in is insufferable. I wouldn't say I hate his character, but he definitely bothers me.

Peace and Love


Yea, Dana is the undisputed champion. The rest of the pouty teens TV characters are fighting for second place.


Okay I feel you on Tariq and Carl but Walt jr??? Wtf???The kid was sweet and the only innocent accept the baby...


Been a while since I watched but I remember him being kind of annoying during that "Flynn" phase.


Yeah, I don't get the hate either.

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


I love Carl! I don't remember if I ever soured on him though I always hated his mother.

#1. Joffrey Baratheon - no child on television provoked abhorrence like him. I feared for the actor's life.

#2. I'm against corporal punishment with rational children. Hugo needed to be slapped.

But kids like Tariq, Dana Brody, Carl Grimes, Bridget Donovan -- none got appropriate therapy to deal with their troubling or traumatic events. And yes, I realize Tariq's situation isn't anywhere close to the others but it's all relative isn't it since people don't have the same abilities and support systems to cope. Tariq's in therapy but told by his mother to lie to the counselor. How does that not f___ up a kid's head more?


Walt Jr. was annoying.

Always interfering in his parents' business....and felt entitled to know what was going on between THEM.


I only watched the first season of 'Breaking Bad.' That show didn't appeal to me.


I tried so hard to get into it I even got through 2 seasons, but it never did anything for me. At ALL!!


Carl was an annoying lil sh** during season 2. He redeemed himself somewhat in S3, but I also wanted Rick to slap fire from him every time he tried to talk back to Rick.

Either "WE" f*<kin or "I'M" f*<kin- Bill Cosby


Of all the characters mentioned, Carl warrants the most sympathy.

At age 10: Father presumed dead. Zombie-viral outbreak. Homeless, dirty, hungry and thirsty.
Season 2: He was shot.
Season 3: He had to murder his own mother. Then his father lost his mind.

Homicidal full-time self-preservation mode: What a life for a kid who hadn't reached puberty!


Oh Joffrey was horrible!


Joffrey's in another class, which is why he had to die so painfully. Most kids are either just phased out or audiences lose interest, but Joffrey's the only one who absolutely required a harrowing death.


I agree. Joffrey's on a whole 'nother level.

All the others mentioned could transform given a little attention. But since Joffrey commanded absolute power, assassinating him was his only corrective measure.

Some have such a low esteem they create reasons to hate everyone else.


Tariq needs Stranger Danger 101 ASAP, he's falling for Kanan's game too easily.


Tariq is green as hell. I don't see how anyone his age wouldn't be cautious of this grown ass man trying to become best friends with them. They'd start wondering if the guy was a pedophile or something. He shows up at the school to take him home after only meeting him one time, went back to the dead old lady's house with him. Five finger discount shoe shopping, etc.

Either "WE" f*<kin or "I'M" f*<kin- Bill Cosby


He gets dumber each episode. He's supposed to be raised so well, but he talks to strangers, leave school with them, gets in cars with them. He's just so dumb.


Tariq is stupid but not the most annoying kid IMO. He's seriously lucky that he's survived as long as he has if he's okay with having grown men as best friends.
Joffrey and Tommen from Game of Thrones were truly annoying. I never had a problem with Walt Jr. Skylar was far more annoying than him.


I absolutely hate hate Tariq. That kid is the worst actor on the show and it just drags everything down when he comes on. What I don't get about him is why he cares. This is a 15-16 year old living on the upper east side of New York and he doesn't have anything better to do with his time the worry about his mommy and daddy.


He's 11


Kimmie Gibbler (sic)

Just a theory, but worth pointing out, nonetheless.


Aside from Joffrey, right now, I'm absolutely hating Brianna from Outlander (another Starz show). She's a spoiled, whiny, disrespectful brat.




no way , he hasnt gotten enough screen time to be the most hated , DANA BRODY HANDS DOWN


Tariq is worse than Dana, his fückface alone makes me sick.
